Die benutting van teater vir lewensorienteringsprogramme : 'n teoreties-eksperimentele ondersoek

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the light of the new National Education and Training Policy stressing outcomes based education and training for all levels of learning, this study wishes to contribute to the following two learning areas: Arts and Culture and Life Orientation/Personal and Social Development. In this study these two areas are combined by utilising theatre for the presentation of life orientation programs. The study therefore consists of both a theoretical and an experimental section. Five relevant fields of knowledge are discussed in chapter two, namely, • a philosophical survey of man through the ages, • holism, because the new education policy stresses the importance of a holistic approach in teaching, • communication; symbolic communication in particular is stressed as the kind of language used for the transcendental, • religion, because value systems are often rooted in religion and because thought about and insight into values forms the basis of the experimental program included in this study and • rituals, because they include ways of coping with life. In chapter three values are discussed under the following headings: types of values, the characteristics of values, the function of values and value theories. A more holistic view of values is then presented and a short discussion of the measuring of values concludes the chapter. Chapter four deals with theatre and its related forms. The influence of Aristotle, Constantin Stanislavsky and Bertolt Brecht on theatre and its related forms are investigated. The views of theatre practitioners and theorists like Antonin Artaud, Jerzy Grotowski, Peter Brook and Richard Schechner are investigated for implementation in a life orientation program. There are also some thoughts on William Shakespeare and Victor Turner. The following related theatre forms are discussed for use in the program: Sociodrama, Psychodrama, Drama in Education, Theatre in Education, Theatre of the Oppressed and Popular Theatre. Chapter five comprises a theoretical grounding of the specific life orientation program included in the study by using the insights gained in chapters two to four for application possibilities. Then the program, as used in this study, is presented. The findings of the effect of the presentation of the program on audience members are discussed in chapter six and some inferences and recommendations are to be found in chapter seven. The most important findings were the following: the seven fields of knowledge investigated in this study are interrelated to the extent that they form a firm basis for compiling a life orientation program, that theatre, as a holistic communication medium, is well-suited as a technique for presenting such a program and that audiences reacted positively to the experimental program included in this study.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die lig van die nuwe Nasionale Onderwys en Opleiding-beleid wat uitkomsgebaseer moet wees vir alle vlakke van leer, wil hierdie studie 'n bydrae lewer tot die volgende twee van die agt voorgestelde leerareas: Kuns en Kultuur en Lewensorientering/Persoonlike en Sosiale Ontwikkeling. Hierdie twee leerareas word in die studie gekombineer deur teater te benut vir die aanbieding van lewensorienteringsprogramme. Die studie bestaan dus uit sowel 'n teoretiese as 'n eksperimentele deel. Die probleemstelling en werkwyse word in hoofstuk een uiteengesit. Vyf tersaaklike kennisvelde word in hoofstuk twee bespreek, naamlik, • 'n filosofiese kyk na hoe daar deur die eeue oor menswees gedink is, • holisme, omdat die nuwe onderwysbeleid hom sterk uitspreek ten gunste van holistiese onderrig, • kommunikasie; veral simboliese taalgebruik as uitdrukking van die onsienlike, • godsdiens, omdat waardesisteme dikwels gegrond is in godsdiens en omdat denke oor en begrip vir lewenswaardes in die eksperimentele program, vervat in hierdie studie, aangespreek word en • rituele, omdat dit wyses van lewenshantering insluit. Hoofstuk drie handel oor lewenswaardes waar daar gekyk word na soorte waardes, die aard van waardes, die funksie van waardes en waardeteorieë. Daarna word 'n meer holistiese beskouing van waardes ondersoek en ten slotte word 'n kort uiteensetting gegee van die meting van waardes. Hoofstuk vier handel oor teater en sy verwante vorme. Daar word gekyk na die invloed van Aristoteles, Constantin Stanislavsky en Bertolt Brecht op teater en verwante vorme. Teaterpraktisyns en -teoretici soos Antonin Artaud, Jerzy Grotowski, Peter Brook en Richard Schechner se sienings word onder die loep geneem vir toepassingsmoontlikhede in 'n lewensoriënteringsprogram. Daar word ook enkele gedagtes uitgespreek oor William Shakespeare en Victor Turner. Die volgende verwante teatervorme word bespreek vir toepassingsmoontlikhede: Sosiodrama, Psigodrama, Drama in die Onderwys, Teater in die Onderwys, Teater van die Onderdruktes en Populere Teater. Hoofstuk vyf bevat 'n teoretiese begronding vir die spesifieke lewensoriënteringsprogram vervat in die studie deur gebruik te maak van die insigte verwerf uit hoofsukke twee tot vier. Daarna word 'n uiteensetting gegee van die program soos gebruik in die eksperimentele deel van die studie. Die bevindinge van die effek wat die aanbieding van die program op gehoorlede gehad het, word in hoofstuk ses uiteengesit en hoofstuk sewe bevat 'n aantal gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings. Die kernbevindinge was dat die sewe kennisvelde wat ondersoek is, tot so 'n mate vervleg is, dat hulle 'n stewige basis vorm vir die samestelling van lewensoriënteringsprogramme, dat teater, as holistiese kommunikasiemedium, 'n geskikte werktuig is vir die aanbieding van sulke programme en dat gehore positief gereageer het op die eksperimentele program vervat in hierdie studie.
Proefskrif (D. Phil.) -- Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1997.
Drama in education, Holism, Social values, Social ethics, Symbolism in communication, Education -- South Africa, Dissertations -- Drama