Hybrid finite element and moment method modelling of microstrip patches

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Numerical modelling can be used to find an approximate solution to Maxwell's equations within a region of interest. From the solution a number of characteristic parameters of the region can be derived. In this thesis, a mathematical formulation of the hybrid finite element method and method of moments (FEM/MoM) technique is presented that is suitable for application to the analysis of radiating microstrip structures. Specific emphasis is placed on the creation of an algorithm that can readily be implemented on computer. Edge-based brick elements are presented as a suitable discretisation scheme for the class of problems that will be attempted. A FEM/MoM computer program was written, and is discussed in detail. Problems invariably encountered in programs of this nature are excessive computational and memory requirements. Data structuring techniques to optimize matrix storage and so reduce memory demands are presented. Various ways to improve the execution speed of the program are also considered. Different approaches to solving a system of linear equations exist. Three of the most popular are Gaussian elimination and the conjugate and biconjugate gradient methods. All three techniques are implemented, and their merits in the context of this FEM/MoM formulation are compared. It is shown that the radar cross section (RCS), input impedance and radiation pattern of a cavity backed microstrip structure can be found once the electric field in the cavity is known. These parameters are computed using the hybrid FEM/MoM technique for a number of different configurations, and compared with published results. Excellent agreement is found between the computed and published RCS results, and good agreement is found between the published radiation pattern and input impedance results. A microstrip patch antenna was built, and the input impedance and radiation patterns were measured and compared with those computed with the program. In general a close correspondence is found.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Numeriese modellering kan gebruik word om by benadering 'n oplossing vir Maxwell se vergelykings binne 'n bepaalde gebied te bereken. In hierdie tesis word 'n wiskundige formulering van die hibriede eindige element metode en moment metode (EEM/MM) aangebied wat geskik is vir die analise van stralende mikrostrook strukture. Klem word gelê op die daarstelling van 'n algoritme wat geredelik op rekenaar geimplimenteer kan word. Rand-gebasseerde baksteen elemente word voorgestel as 'n geskikte diskretisasie skema vir die klas probleme wat aangepak sal word. 'n EEM/MM rekenaar program is geskryf, en dit word in detail bespreek. Probleme wat telkens voorkom in programme van hierdie aard is die buitensporige geheue en verwerkings vereistes. Maniere om die data in die rekenaar te organiseer sodat die matriks optimaal gestoor en die geheue benodig beperk word, word uiteengesit. Oorweging word ook geskenk aan verskeie tegnieke om die uitvoer tyd van die program te verminder. Daar bestaan verskillende benaderings vir die oplos van 'n stelsel lineêre vergelykings. Drie van die gewildstes is Gaussiese eliminasie, en die konjugaat en bi-konjugaat gradiënt metodes. Al drie is geimplementeer, en hulle meriete binne die bestek van hierdie EEM/MM formulering word bespreek. Dit word getoon dat die radar deursnit, intree impedansie en stralingspatroon van 'n holte-ondersteunde mikrostrook struktuur gevind kan word as die elektriese veld in die holte eers bekend is. Hierdie parameters word bereken met die hibriede EEM/MM tegniek vir 'n verskeidenheid verskillende konfigurasies, en vergelyk met gepubliseerde resultate. Die berekende en gepubliseerde radar deursnit stem uitstekend ooreen, en goeie ooreenkoms word ook waargeneem tussen die berekende en gepubliseerde stralingspatrone en intree impedansies. 'n Mikrostrook antenna is gebou, en die intree impedansie en stralingpatroon is gemeet en vergelyk met waardes bereken met die program. Oor die algemeen word 'n goeie ooreenkoms waargeneem.
Thesis (M. Eng.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1995.