Application of an extended Huygens' principle to scattering discontinuities in waveguide

Geschke, R. H. (Riana Helena)
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The implementation and verification of a recently proposed Huy gens' principle in hollow lossless waveguide is described. The extended Huygens' principle is applicable to the scattering effect of arbitrary obstacles in waveguide and allows the coupling of a volume Finite Element discretization with a quasi Method of Moments surface element approach. A review of the technique is given and expressions for the two port scattering parameters are derived. The implementation is restricted to posts in rectangular waveguide, although the technique may also be applied to general scattering problems in waveguide. Finite Elements for the volume of the obstacle are selected and a basis set is proposed. The elemental finite element matrices are derived for a low and higher order basis set, while the validity of the derivations is established by considering a simple waveguide example. A coupled set of matrix equations is constructed that can be solved for the unknown surface electric and magnetic fields and the volume magnetic fields. A set of test examples is chosen to verify the implementation. The convergence behaviour is examined for two test cases. The dissertation concludes with an evaluation of the technique and recommendations for future work.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die implementasie en verifiëring van 'n onlangs voorgestelde Huygens beginsel in leë golfleier word beskryf. Die uitgebreide beginsel van Huygens is van toepassing op die strooiingseffek van arbitrêre voorwerpe in verlieslose golfleier en beskryf die koppeling tussen 'n volume eindige element diskretisasie met 'n oppervlakelement kwasi-moment metode. 'n Oorsig oor die tegniek word gegee en uitdrukkings vir die tweepoort strooiingsparameters word afgelei. Die implementering word beperk tot penne in reghoekige golfleier, alhoewel die tegniek op algemene golfleier strooiingsprobleme van toepassing is. Eindige elemente word gekies vir die volume van die voorwerp en 'n basisfunksie versameling afgelei van bestaande basisfunksies. Lae en hoë orde element matrikse word afgelei en die geldigheid van die afleidings word nagegaan deur 'n eenvoudige golfleier probleem op te los. 'n Gekoppelde stel matriksvergelykings word opgestel in terme van die onbekende oppervlak elektriese en magnetiese velde. 'n Aantal toetsvoorbeelde word gekies om die implementasie te verifieer. Konvergensiegedrag word ondersoek vir twee toetsgevalle. Die proefskrif sluit af met 'n evaluasie van die tegniek en aanbevelings vir verdere werk.
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004.
Huygens' principle, Wave guides, Dissertations -- Electronic engineering, Theses -- Electronic engineering