Feature tracking and pattern registration

Wagener, Dirk Wolfram
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The video-based computer vision patient positioning system that is being developed at iThemba Laboratories, relies on the accurate, robust location, identification and tracking of a number of markers on the patient's mask. The precision requirements are demanding - a small error in the location of the markers leads to an inaccurate positioning of the patient, which could have fatal consequences. In this thesis we discuss the contsruction of suitable markers, their identification with subpixel accuracy, as well as a robust tracking algorithm. The algorithms were implemented and tested on real data. We also note and give examples of other applications, most notably 2D human face tracking and the 3D tracking of a moving person.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die video-gebaseerde rekenaarvisie pasiënt posisionerings stelsel wat by iThemba Laboratoriums ontwikkel word, maak staat op die akkurate opsporing, identifikasie en volging van 'n stel merkers op die pasiënt se masker. Die akkuraatheids voorwaardes is besonders streng - selfs 'n klein fout in die lokasie vandie merkers sal lei tot die onakkurate posisionering van die pasiënt, wat dodelike gevolge kan hê. In hierdie tesis bespreek ons die konstruksie van geskikte merkers, die identifikasie van die merkers tot op subbeeldingselement vlak en ook die akkurate volging van die merkers. Die algoritmes is op regte data getoets. Ander toepassings soos 2D en 3D menlike gesigs-volging word ook kortliks bespreek.
Thesis (MScEng) -- Stellenbosch University, 2003.
Image processing, Human face recognition (Computer science), Dissertations -- Electronic engineering, Theses -- Electronic engineering