Disputed parental relocation : determining the best interests of the child

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In recent years the issue of relocation has been much discussed and litigated. The complexity of the issues inherent in relocation disputes and the relative lack of research in the area points to the need for a more comprehensive, coherent and empirically sound approach than exists at present. The major considerations involved in relocation disputes, using the best interests of the child standard as a reference point throughout, in terms of the available research and issues that require empirical attention, are presented. These include the relationship of the best interests of the child standard in considering the common motivations for relocation, significant psychological factors, cultural, gender and personal biases, the recent collaboration between the psychological and legal professions and the process of psychological assessment. A number of South African court decisions are reviewed to provide an overview of how the law tends to approach these issues. A number of important research areas are described and several factors are identified that is essential for the evaluator to consider when evaluating a relocation dispute.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Oor die afgelope aantal jare het die kwessie van verhuising gereeld onder die soeklig gekom en is dit in howe oor en weer beredeneer. Die kompleksiteit van die kwessies inherent aan verhuisingdispute en die relatiewe gebrek aan navorsing oor die saak, vereis In meer omvattende, koherente en empiries verantwoordbare benadering as wat daar vandag bestaan. Belangrike oorwegings wat ter sake is in verhuisingskwessies en deur gebruik te maak van die beste belange van die kind standaard as In deurlopende verwysingspunt in terme van die beskikbare navorsing en kwessies wat empiriese ondersoek vereis, word bespreek. Dit sluit in die verhouding van die beste belange van die kind standaard in die oorweging van die algemene motiverings vir verhuising, betekenisvolle sielkundige faktore, kultuur, geslag en persoonlike vooroordele; die onlangse samewerking tussen die sielkunde en die reg, asook die proses van sielkundige assessering. In Aantal Suid-Afrikaanse hofuitsprake word bespreek om In oorsig te gee van hoe die reg geneig is om hierdie saak te benader. In Aantal belangrike navorsingsareas word beskryf en verskeie faktore word geïdentifiseer wat van wesenlike belang is om te oorweeg by die evaluering van In verhuisingsdispuut.
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003.
Child welfare -- South Africa, Moving, Household -- South Africa, Children's rights -- South Africa, Children -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- South Africa, Dissertations -- Psychology, Theses -- Psychology