Die belewing van sosiale ondersteuningsisteme deur vyfjarige kleuters uit histories benadeelde gemeenskappe

Heese, Margarete
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Preshool children from historically disadvantaged communities are often not stimulated or supported in their early childhood development. Therefore these children are often not school ready for formal education. In previous studies it is reported that the mother has an important role to play in the preschool development of her child. In a community where parents are struggling to survive, the question is if those parents are in a position to support their children. The purpose of this study is to ascertain how the preschool child perceives his social support systems. In a qualitative research design five year old children from a disadvantaged community on the West Coast took part in the study. Out of the study it appears that the preschool child visualizes one of their parents and in some cases a grandparent as their most important support system. The facts however are that the parents in this community due to a shortage of time, education and knowledge of how to stimulate their children, do not playa supporting role in their early childhood development. To support preschool children in this situation the parents as well as any other people involved should be made aware of their responsibilities in this regard. They should be equipped with the knowledge and competencies to enable them to support their preschool children. It is important that intervention strategies are directed not only at the parents but to all in whom the preschool children place their trust
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kleuters uit histories benadeelde gemeenskappe word dikwels nie genoeg in hul vroeë kinderontwikkeling gestimuleer en ondersteun nie. Dit het tot gevolg dat hierdie kinders nie gereed is vir die formele onderrigsituasie wanneer hulle moet skool toe gaan nie. Uit die literatuur het geblyk dat die ouer, veral die moeder 'n groot verantwoordelikheid het ten opsigte van haar kind se voorskoolse ontwikkeling. In 'n gemeenskap waar ouers in 'n stryd om oorlewing gewikkel is, ontstaan die vraag egter of die ouers in staat is om 'n ondersteuningsrol te vervul. Die doel van hierdie ondersoek is om vas te stel hoe die kleuter sy sosiale ondersteuningsisteme ervaar. In 'n kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp het vyfjarige kleuters uit 'n histories benadeelde gemeenskap aan die Weskus aan die ondersoek deelgeneem. Uit die ondersoek het geblyk dat die kleuters een van hulouers of in enkele gevalle 'n ouma as hul vernaamste ondersteuningsisteem visualiseer. Die feit is egter dat die ouers uit hierdie gemeenskap weens 'n tekort aan tyd, opvoeding en die kennis om hul kleuters te stimuleer nie werklik 'n ondersteuningsrol speel in hul kleuters se vroeë kinderontwikkeling nie. Om kleuters in hierdie situasie te ondersteun moet hulouers, maar ook enige ander persone wat betrokke is by die kleuter se ontwikkeling, bewus gemaak word van hul verantwoordelikheid en ook toegerus word met die kennis en vaardighede om dit te kan doen. Dit is belangrik dat intervensiestrategieë nie net op die ouer sal fokus nie, maar op alle ander persone in wie die kleuter vertroue het.
Thesis (MEd)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003.
Educational sociology, Social networks -- Psychological aspects, Child care -- Psychological aspects, Child development -- South Africa, Children with disabilities -- Education (Elementary), Dissertations -- Education