The polysemy of motion verbs in Xitsonga

Baloyi, Sikheto Samual
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores selected motion verbs in Xitsonga within the framework of lexical sementics postulated by Pustejovsky (1995). This study examines the polysemy of the respective selected motion verbs in sentences with various noun subject types in Xitsonga. The motion verbs examined are: -~ (go), -@_ (come), -famba (go away), -baleka (run away), -kasa (crawl), -khandziya (climb up) and -gonya (ascend). Syntactically, these verbs occur in example sentences as evidenced below: The subject NP is [human] Sipho u ya ekaya hi milenge. Sipho is going home on foot. The subject NP is [inanimate] Tafuia ri tile exikolweni hi movha. The table is delivered at school by car. The subject NP is [weather noun] : Mpfula yi fambile etikweni. The rain has stopped in the country. Nkwangulatilo wu khandziya entshaveni. Rainbow climbs up to the mountain. Moya wo kasa. The wind is blowing slowly. The subject NP is [concrete noun]: Vuswa byi fambile emasin'wini. Food is carried to the field. Mugayo wu gonyile emakete. Maize meal is expensive in the market. The subject NP is [abstract noun] : Rivengo ri fambile eka vanhu. Hatred has ended from people. The subject NP is [natural phenomenon] Dyambu ri balekile emapapeni. The sun is very hot in the sky. The study explores the selected motion verbs and establishes the specific properties of selection restrictions, assignment of arguments as well as the event structure or sentences with the motion verbs. Lastly, the lexical conceptual paradigm is examined in order to determine the different senses or meanings of the motion verbs.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek geselekteerde bewegingswerkwoorde in Xitstonga binne die raamwerk van die leksikale semantiek ontwikkel deur Pustejovsky (1995). Die studie ondersoek die polisemie van die onderskeie bewegingswerkwoorde in sinne met verskillende onderwerp tipes in Xitsonga. Die bewegingswerkswoorde wat ondersoek word is: -Y.ê_ (gaan), -ta (kom), -famba (weggaan), -baleka (hardloop), -kasa (kruip), -khandziya (klim) and -gonya (daai) .. Hierdie werkwoorde verskyn sintakties in voorbeelde soos hier onder geillustreer: Die subjek NP is [mens] Sipho u ya ekaya hi milenge. Sipho gaan huis toe per voet. Die subjek NP is [nie-lewend] Tafuia ri tile exikolweni hi movha. Die tafel gaan na die skool per motor, d.i. die tafel word per motor afgelewer by die skool. Die subjek NP is [weer naamwoord]: Mpfula yi fambile etikweni. Die reën het weggegaan (gestop) in die land Nkwangulatilo wu khandziya entshaveni. Die reënboog klim teen die berg op. Moya wo kasa. Die wind kruip, d.i. waai stadig Die subjek NP is [konkrete naamwoord]: Vuswa byi fambile emasin'wini. Kos het gegaan (is geneem) na die land Mugayo wu gonyile emakete. Mieliemeel het gestyg in die mark Die subjek NP is [abstrakte naamwoord]:Rivengo ri fambile eka vanhu. Haat het geëindig by mense Die subjek NP is [natural phenomenon] Dyambu ri balekile emapapeni. Die son het weggehardloop uit die lug, d.i. dit is baie warm. Die studie ondersoek die geselekteerde bewegingswerkwoorde en stel vas wat die spesifieke eienskappe is van seleksiebeperkings, toekenning van argumente en die gebeurtenis struktuur van sinne met die bewegingswerkwoorde. Laastens word die leksikale konseptueie paradigma ondersoek ten einde die verskillende betekenisonderskeidings van die bewegingswerkwoorde vas te stel.
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002.
Tsonga language -- Verb, Grammar, Comparative and general -- Verb, Dissertations -- Tsonga language, Theses -- Tsonga language