Micro-satellite data handling : a unified information model

Van der Merwe, Benjamin
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis describes various software technologies implemented, or specifically developed, for the SUNSAT micro-satellite mission. With the discussion centered on the Mission Operations System functions of Data Handling and Mission Control, particular emphasis is placed on data processing aspects such as the deployed database schema, and the data communications mechanisms implemented as part of the communications protocol stack. Both the groundsystem architecture and the Flight Software are discussed, their constituent components are analysed, and recommendations are made for improvement. Finally, a Unified Information Model for the design and operation of future, integrated satellite groundsystems is proposed, with suitable implementation technologies being identified and introduced.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis beskryf die sagteware tegnologieë wat qeirnpternenteer. of spesifiek ontwerp is vir die SUNSAT mikro-satelliet missie, Met die bespreking gefokus op die Missie Operasionele Stelsel funksies van Data Hantering en Missie Beheer, word daar veral klem gelê op data prosesserings aspekte, soos byvoorbeeld die databasis skema wat ontplooi is, asook die data kommunikasie meganismes wat qeimplernenteer is as deel van die kommunikasie protokol stapel. Beide die grondstelsel argitektuur en die Vlugsagteware word bespreek, hulonderskeie komponente word geanaliseer, en aanbevelings ter verbetering word gemaak, Laastens word daar 'n Verenigde Informasie Model voorgestel vir die ontwerp en operasionele werking van 'n toekomstige, qeinteqreerde satelliet grondstelsel. Geskikte tegnologieë vir die implementasie hiervan word ook qeidentifiseer en voorgelê,
Thesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001.
SUNSAT, System design, Artificial satellites -- Data processing, Dissertations -- Electronic engineering, Theses -- Electronic engineering