The benefits of the hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) system in the fishing industry

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: International food trade is steadily increasing, as is the global incidence of foodborne diseases. For this reason, governments require that food safety is managed formally and pro-actively within and across the borders of countries. The HACCP system has been proven over the years to be a system, which successfully manages food safety and is fast becoming mandatory in most developed countries. Procedures are also in place to enforce HACCP implementation in South Africa in the near future. The system is preventative in nature and focuses resources on areas, which are critical to food safety, thereby being practical and effective. HACCP has always been and is currently very prominent in the international and local seafood industry. Moreover, South African fish processing companies cannot export their products to most international markets without implementing HACCP. The fish species which are most caught and economically the most valuable in South Africa are the Cape hake (Merluccius capensis and Merluccius paradoxus) and the South African pilchard (Sardinops sagax). This study focussed on applying HACCP principles to these species. HACCP models were developed for a South African pilchard canning operation and a fresh Cape hake processing operation according to the seven principles recommended by the Codex Alimentarius commission. The study showed how the storage of the catch in boat holds was proven to be a critical control point. The hazard was proven to be histamine poisoning due to the fact that boat holds were not cleaned adequately. Histamine-producing bacteria could grow on dirty surfaces and contaminate the catch with the toxin histamine, which could not be destroyed by subsequent canning processes. Viable contact plate counts and histamine-producing bacteria counts were performed. Results showed high counts in both instances, which validates that the point of hold cleaning is a CCP (Critical Control Point). Control measures were implemented in the form of a master cleaning schedule. Viable contact plate counts and histamine producing bacteria counts were repeated after the master cleaning schedule had been implemented. Counts decreased significantly in both instances, which validates the efficacy of the control measures. Ecologically justified, achievable target levels were calculated for viable contact plate counts and histamine-producing bacteria counts, which in future could be used in the HACCP plan of the case study company. The study also showed how a HACCP verification study was conducted on a fresh Cape hake processing operation, in order to illustrate the concept of verification. Microbial growth due to poor temperature control was selected as the hazard. The verification performed was to log times and temperatures during processing, and to ascertain whether temperature control was adequate to prevent the hazard. Logging took place during all stages of processing from catching and holding in the on-board stacker pond, through to selling on a fish market in Vitoria, Spain. Results of the study showed that the fish was reduced to below the critical limit of 3°C within 6 h and that it was kept under the critical limit during all stages of the process. This verifies that the hazard of microbial growth is controlled adequately. This study may be used as a guideline to implement HACCP in a fish processing operation. The hard work, however, lies in customising and streamlining the system for each individual company. In order to achieve this, commitment should be available from top management and the system should be accepted and understood by all employees of the company. HACCP is also dependant on pre-requisite systems such as GMP, which should be in place before the system can work adequately. It is, furthermore, important that HACCP is practiced by all sectors of food processing from farm to fork. The South African fishing industry carries the responsibility of leading the way and showing the rest of the food processing industry how HACCP should be implemented. Being South Africa’s ambassadors in the international food safety arena, it is crucial for the sake of future exports and economic growth that HACCP is implemented and functioning in this area.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Internasionale handel in voedsel is aan die toeneem en dit gaan ook gepaard met 'n toename in siektes afkomstig van voedselinname. Dit het veroorsaak dat regerings besig is om streng vereistes rondom voedselveiiigheid te stel wat betref plaaslike vervaardiging, asook in- en uitvoer van voedsel. Die HACCP-sisteem is bewys oor die jare as ‘n sisteem wat suksesvol die veiligheid van voedsel kan beheer en is tans vinnig besig om verpligtend te raak in meeste ontwikkelde lande. Selfs in Suid-Afrika is daar al maatreels in plek om HACCP in die toekoms te verplig. HACCP is ‘n voorkomende sisteem wat hulpbronne fokus op areas wat krities is vir voedselveiiigheid. HACCP was, en is steeds baie prominent in die internasionale en plaaslike visindustrie. Die situasie in die land is tans van so aard dat plaaslike visverwerkingsmaatskapye hulle produkte kan uitvoer, alvorens hulle HACCP geimplementeer het nie. Die twee vis spesies wat in die land, in die grootste volume verwerk word en wat gevolglik ekonomies die meeste werd is, is Kaapse stokvis (Merluccius capensis en Merluccius paradoxus) en die Suid-Afrikaanse sardyn (Sardinops sagax). Hierdie studie het gefokus op die implementering van HACCP beginsels op hierdie twee spesies. HACCP modelle is ontwikkel vir ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse sardyn inmaak bedryf, asook vir ‘n vars Kaapse stokvis bedryf wat gebaseer is die sewe HACCP beginsels, soos aanbeveel deur die Codex Alimentarius Kommissie. In die studie word daar bewys dat die opberging van die vangs in bootruime ‘n kritiese punt is. Die gevaar wat gevolglik gefdentifiseer is, was histamien vergiftiging as gevolg van die feit dat bootruime nie behoorlik skoongemaak word nie. Histamienvormende bakteriee kan groei op die vuil oppervlaktes en die vangs kontamineer met histamien toksiene. Hierdie toksiene is hittebestand en word nie vernietig tydens daaropvolgende verwerkingstappe nie. Lewensvatbare kontakplaat tellings en histamien-vormende bakteriee tellings is uitgevoer op bootruim oppervlaktes. Resultate van albei toetse het hoe tellings gewys, wat bewys dat die stap krities is. Beheermaatreels is geimplementeer in die vorm van ‘n skoonmaak skedule. Lewensvatbare kontakplaat tellings en histamien-vormende bakteriee tellings is herhaal, nadat die skoonmaak skedule geimplementeer is. Tellings was beduidend laer, wat bewys dat die beheermaatreels effektief was. Ekologies bewese, haalbare teikenvlakke is bereken vir kontakplaat tellings en histamien vormende bakteriee tellings, wat gebruik is in die HACCP plan van die gevalle studie maatskappy. Die studie het ook gehandel oor hoe ‘n HACCP verifikasie studie uitgevoer is op ‘n Kaapse stokvis verwerkingsbedryf, sodat die verifikasie konsep verduidelik kon word. Mikrobiologiese groei as gevolg van swak temperatuurbeheer is gekies as die gevaar. Tyd-temperatuur opnames is geneem om te verifieer of beheermaatreels genoegsaam was om die gevaar te verhoed. Die opname het alle prosesseringsstappe ingesluit vanaf vangs en berging van vis regdeur totdat dit verkoop is op ‘n vismark in Vitoria, Spanje. Resultate het gewys dat die temperatuur deurgaans benede die kritiese limiet van 3°C in 6 ure gebly het. Dus verifieer dit dat die gevaar van mikrobiologiese groei voldoende beheerword. Hierdie studie kan gebruik word as ‘n riglyn om HACCP te implementeer in ‘n visverwerkingsbedryf. Die harde werk le egter in die toepassing en verfyning daarvan vir elke individuele maatskappy. Hierdie taak is slegs die verantwoordelikheid van die maatskappy self. Toewyding van topbestuuren aanvaarding vanaf alle werknemers is noodsaaklik om dit te kan bereik. HACCP is ook afhanklik van ondersteunende stelsels soos goeie vervaardigingspraktyke (GMP), alvorens dit sal werk. Verder is dit nodig dat HACCP toegepas word in alle sektore van die voedsel ketting vanaf primere produksie totdat die produk deur die verbruiker geeet word. Visverwekingsmaatskapye internasionaal en plaaslik was onder die eerste industries wat HACCP gei'mplementeer het. Omdat hulle Suid-Afrika se ambassadeurs in die internasionale voedselveiligheidsarena is, is dit is krities in terme van ekonomiese groei, dat HACCP gei'mplimenteer word en werk in die industrie.
Thesis (MSc Food Sc)--Stellenbosch University, 2000.
HACCP, Fisheries -- South Africa -- Quality control, Hake fisheries -- South Africa -- Quality control, Sardine fisheries -- South Africa -- Quality control, Fishing industry -- South Africa