Teacher appraisal in the Northern Province : a management perspective

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Chapter 1 provides the motivation for the study and a description of the problems. It outlines the aims of the research, the methodology used and clarifies certain concepts that will be used in this study. Teaching, like in any other sectors, need to be appraised and supervised. This helps teachers to know whether their teaching is successful or whether they need help. On the other hand, the employer must also know whether teachers are doing what is expected of them. Both the employer and the employees must understand the need for appraisal and its necessity in schools. In Chapter 2, different appraisal approaches (judgemental and developmental) are identified. For a long time in South Africa, the judgemental approach was used to victimise and intimidate teachers. Consequently, teachers are no longer interested in this kind of approach. They regard this approach as a fault-finding one that has caused the general breakdown of educational activities in the early 1990s. What teachers need is simple and clear. They need an appraisal that definitely facilitates their personal and professional development so that the quality of teaching and education management can be improve. The discussion in Chapter 3 centres around different appraisal methods designed to empower secondary school principals with necessary management and communication skills, knowledge and competencies that would help them to conduct an effective and acceptable appraisal. On the other hand, teachers need to have a sense of ownership in the process that affects their work. For this reason, teachers' involvement in the appraisal process is of a paramount importance. This involvement can be in the form of the SDTs or appraisal panels. Therefore, teachers support the new developmental appraisal approach that emphasises openness, transparency, a climate of democratic decision making, respect of individual rights, an effective support structures for all staff and commitment to the professional development of all staff. Chapter 4, therefore centres around the developmental aspects of teacher appraisal. From the management point of view, the principal is the most important key player in this process. They are responsible for the professional management of the school, i.e. day-to-day organisation and control of the teaching and learning activities. This means that he or she must constantly monitor the teaching and learning processes and not learners outcomes only. As long as teachers are appraised, feedback on performance must be provided as soon as possible. Unlike in the judgemental approach, teachers deserve to be praised for the good work they do. Even if the performance is less satisfactory, feedback should be given in positive terms. It should be borne in mind that the appraisal process depends on the appropriate structures and procedures that need to be reinforced by effective personal relationships. If principals can develop a trusting relationship with teachers in regard to teacher appraisal and supervision, teachers will tend to be more receptive. Unless school principals are committed to undergo some training, or to attend appraisal workshops or seminars, it will be difficult for many principals to acquaint themselves with this new developmental appraisal approach. Chapter 5 contains an overview and the findings about teacher appraisal. It is a conclusive chapter with certain recommendations i.e. recommendations for the enhancement of teacher appraisal process and suggestions for further research.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hoofstuk 1 bevat die motivering vir die studie, asook h beskrywing van die probleme wat as agtergrond gedien het vir die studie. Die doelstellings van die navorsing en die metodologie wat gevolg gaan word, word hier uiteengesit. Ook word konsepte/begrippe wat in die studie gebruik word in hierdie hoofstuk verduidelik. In die onderwys, soos in enige ander ekonomiese of maatskaplike instansie, behoort prestasie beoordeel te word. Dit help onderwysers om te bepaal of hulonderrig suksesvol is en of hulle hulp nodig het. Aan die ander kant moet die werkgewer ook weet of die onderwysers doen wat van hulle verwag word. Beide werkgewer en werknemer moet die noodsaaklikheid van en die behoefte aan prestasiebeoordeling in die skole begryp. In Hoofstuk 2 word verskillende prestasiebeoordelingbenaderings (beoordelend en ontwikkelend) geïdentifiseer. Vir h geruime tyd is die beoordelende benadering in Suid- Afrika gebruik om die werkprestasies van onderwysers te evalueer. Onderwysers is om verstaanbare redes nie voorstanders van hierdie benadering nie. Volgens hulle is hierdie benadering net ingestelop die vind van foute. Dit het dan ook in h hoë mate aanleiding gegee tot die algemene aftakeling van veralonderrigaktiwiteite in die vroeë negentigerjare. Onderwysers benodig h prestasiebeoordelingstelsel wat hul persoonlike en professionele ontwikkeling sodanig fasiliteer dat die kwaliteit van onderwys en onderrig sal verbeter. Hoofstuk 3 fokus op verskillende prestasiebeoordelingmetodes wat ontwerp is om die skoolhoofde van sekondêre skole te bemagtig met die nodige bestuur- en kommunikasievaardighede en kennis en bevoeghede om prestasiebeoordeling op h effektiewe en aanvaarbare wyse uit te voer. Aan die ander kant behoort die onderwysers eienaarskap te hê in die beoordelingsproses, met ander woorde, behoort hulle betrokke daarby te wees. Hierdie betrokkenheid kan gestalte kry in personeelontwikkelingspanne. Onderwysers ondersteun juis daarom die ontwikkelende beoordelingsbenadering wat klem lê op openheid, deursigtigheid, demokratiese besluitneming, respek vir individuele regte, effektiewe ondersteuningstrukture vir alle personeel en die betrokkenheid van personeel by hulle professionele ontwikkeling. In Hoofstuk 4 word die ontwikkelingsaspekte by die beoordeling van onderwysers uiteengesit. Binne die bestuursproses is die skoolhoof die belangrikste rolspeler in hierdie verband. Hy is verantwoordelik vir die professionele bestuur van die skool, wat onder andere insluit die dag-tot-dag organisasie en kontrole van die onderrig- en leeraktiwiteite. Hy of sy moet die onderrig- en leerprosesse kontant monitor, en nie slegs die leeruitkomstes nie. Wanneer onderwysers beoordeel word, moet terugvoer so gou as moonlik plaasvind. Anders as by die beoordelende benadering word onderwysers by die ontwikkelingsbenadering geprys vir die goeie werk wat hulle verrig. Al is die gehalte van h onderwyser se werk ook onbevredigend, behoort terugvoer op h positiewe wyse hanteer te word. Omdat die sukses van die beoordelingsproses in h groot mate afhang van die gepaste strukture en prosedures, moet dit ook deur effektiewe persoonlike verhoudings versterk word. h Vertrouensverhouding tussen die skoolhoof en sy onderwysers met betrekking tot die proses van supervisie en hulle prestasiebeoordeling, salonderwysers meer ontvanklik maak. Om h sukses te maak van hierdie nuwe ontwikkelende prestasiebeoordelingbenadering, behoort skoolhoofde bereid te wees om opleiding te ondergaan, of om prestasiebeoordelingswerkswinkels/ seminare by te woon. Hoofstuk 5 bevat h samevattende oorsig van die skripsie en verwys ook na die bevindinge van die studie. Hierin word ook sekere aanbevelings gemaak te opsigte van die hele proses van prestasiebeoordeling, asook voorstelle vir verdere navorsing.
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2000.
Teachers -- Rating of, Teaching -- Evaluation, Education -- South Africa -- Northern Province, Dissertations -- Education