Physiological changes associated with lateral movement training of netball players

Marais, Ronel
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of a six-week lateral movement training programme on selected physiological variables in netball players. Calf and thigh girth measurements, mass, body fat percentage, lateral agility, lateral flexibility, dynamic balance, heart rate and isokinetic concentric and eccentric quadriceps, hamstring, abductor and adductor muscle strength, were measured. A pre-recorded, six-week slide board training programme was followed in order to: increase calf and thigh girth measurements, decrease mass, decrease body fat percentage, increase lateral agility, increase lateral flexibility, better dynamic balance, meet the prescribed guidelines in terms of heart rate and increase the isokinetic muscle strength. The subjects (n=23) were between the ages of 18-23 years. They either played netball for the 1st or 2nd netball teams of the Maties Netball Club, or for the 1st or 2nd netball teams of the residence Nerina. They entered the study voluntarily. All of the subjects participated in the pre- and posttests. Fourteen subjects completed the six-week lateral movement training programme. Various significant differences (p < 0.05) were found between the pre- and post-test measurements: a significant decrease in body fat percentage, an increase in lateral agility, a decrease in mass, an increase in dynamic balance, an increase in concentric and eccentric abductor and adductor muscle strength, as well as an appropriate aerobic heart rate response. It was concluded that the lateral movement training programme proved to be beneficial to netball players at any level of fitness and participation. The programme provided an excellent aerobic workout, with either improvement or maintenance of the selected variables.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om ondersoek in te stel na die invloed van In ses-weeklange laterale bewegingsoefenprogram op geselekteerde fisiologiese veranderlikes in netbal speelsters. Kuit- en bobeenomtrekmates, massa, liggaamsvetpersentasie, laterale ratsheid, laterale lenigheid, dinamiese balans, harttempo en isokinetiese konsentriese en eksentriese quadriceps-, hampeus-, abduktor- en adduktorspierkrag, is gemeet. In Vooraf opgestelde, ses-weeklange laterale oefenprogram is gevolg om: die kuit- en bobeenomtrekmates te vergroot, die massa te verminder, die liggaamsvetpersentasie te verlaag, die verbetering van laterale ratsheid, laterale lenigheid en dinamiese balans te bewerkstellig, die voorgestelde riglyne in terme van harttempo te handhaaf en om isokinetiese spierkrag te vermeerder. Die proefpersone (n=23) was tussen 18-23 jaar oud. Die proefpersone het óf vir die 1ste of 2de netbalspanne van die Maties Netbalklub gespeel, óf vir die 1ste of 2de netbal spanne van die koshuis Nerina. Hulle deelname was volkome vrywillig. Al die proefpersone het aan die pre- en post-toetse deelgeneem. Veertien proefpersone het die ses-weeklange laterale bewegingsoefenprogram voltooi. Verskeie beduidende verskille (p < 0.05) tussen die pre- en post-toetse is gevind: 'n beduidende afname in liggaamsvetpersentasie, In toename in laterale ratsheid, In afname in massa, In toename in dinamiese balans, In toename in konsentriese en eksentriese abduktor- en adduktorspierkrag, asook In ooreenstemmende harttempo reaksie. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die laterale bewegingsoefenprogram tot voordeel strek van netbalspeelsters op enige vlak van fiksheid en deelname. Die program bied In goeie aërobiese komponent met óf die verbetering, óf die handhawing van die geselekteerde veranderlikes.
Thesis (MMBK.)--Stellenbosch University, 2000.
Netball, Human mechanics, Dissertations -- Human movement studies