A second generation SUNSAT RAMDISK

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The SUNSAT RAMDISK was studied, and tests performed to assess its flight readiness. Errors were detected, and modifications had to be made to ensure proper operation. SUNSAT was subsequently launched, and to date the RAMDISK is still functioning correctly. The flight readiness testing of the RAMDISK was considered a pre-study to designing a second generation RAMDISK. A conceptual mass memory storage device support structure was designed. This second generation RAMDISK, or memory drive is intended to be used on a second generation SUNSAT, or SUNSAT 2. The design is targeted for implementation in fields programmable gate arrays (FPGA's) and was realised using VHDL. This hardware description language is an accepted standard, and can be implemented in a number of different programmable logic devices; both SRAM and fuse-link based. Simulations were performed to verity the functionality of the design, and to determine whether the data transfer specifications could be met using programmable logic devices. A modular design methodology was followed. The memory drive was designed so that any type and amount of memory can be added to the drive without a major design change. The simulations indicated that a data capturing speed of 130 Mbits/s could be maintained.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die SUNSAT massa geheue module is bestudeer, en toetse is daarop uigevoer om die vlug gereedheid te bepaal. Foute is gevind, en veranderinge moes aangebring word om korrekte werking te verseker. SUNSAT is gelanseer en die geheue module werk tot op datum nog korrek. Die geheue module se vlug gereedheid toetse is beskou as In voor studie vir die ontwerp van In tweede generasie geheue module. In Konseptueie massa stoor toestel struktuur is ontwerp. Hierdie tweede generasie geheue module, of geheue skyf is bedoel om op In tweede generasie SUNSAT, of SUNSAT 2 gebruik te word. FPGA's is die teiken tegnologie vir hierdie ontwerp en VHDL is gebruik om die ontwerp te realiseer. Hierdie hardeware beskrywingstaal word as In standaard aanvaar en kan in verskillende herprogrammeerbare tegnologieë gebruik word. Sirnulasies is gedoen om die funksionaliteit van die ontwerp te verifieer, en om te bepaal of die nodige data oordragstempo gehandhaaf kan word met herprogrammeerbare tegnologie. In Modulêre ontwerpsfilosofie is gevolg. Die geheue skyf is ontwerp sodat dit enige tipe en hoeveelheid geheue kan ondersteun sonder om groot veranderinge aan die ontwerp te doen. Die sirnulasies toon dat In data oordragstempo van 130 Mbits/s gehandhaafkan word.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2000.
Artificial satellites, Computer storage devices, Dissertations -- Electronic engineering