Die toepassing van die begrip 'Spesiale bestuursones' vir die beplanning en bewaring van vier historiese nedersettings in die omgewing van die Dwarsriviervallei

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: The Dwars River Valley is presently experiencing development and conservation pressures, especially in terms of residential and tourism development. The motivation for this study is therefore, inspite of the ever increasing residential and tourism development, to preserve the valley's rural character, its unique environmental quality and existing nodal settlement structure. To plan pro-actively for the valley will ensure that quality agricultural land and economic farming-units will be maintained as a component of an open space system. Long term planning is therefore necessary to limit speculative actions and uncertainty about the growth of the settlement structure in the future. One should presently aim to protect agricultural land from urban sprawl, by making provision for future development within the existing settlements: uncontrolled growth must be avoided. For future control over development in the Dwars River Valley, the concept "Special Management Zone" is examined with the view to its application as inter alia, a landuse control mechanism. The study shows that the area in itself should not only be seen as a geographical unit but also as a social unit with a strong sense of place and on this basis, requires a co-ordinated planning approach. In the end, to ensure the maintenance of the environmental quality of the Dwars River Valley and the existing nodal settlement structure in the long term, recommendations are made which take into consideration management, planning and conservation actions for the area.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Dwarsriviervallei verkeer tans onder druk vanuit beide bewarings- en ontwikkelingsgeledere vir residensiele en toerisme ontwikkeling. Die motivering vir hierdie studie is dus dat daar gepoog sal moet word om toe te sien dat hierdie vallei sy landelike karakter, unieke omgewingskwaliteit en huidige nodale nedersettingstruktuur sal behou te spyte van ontwikkelingsdruk. Om dus pro-aktief vir die vallei te beplan, sal verseker dat goeie landbougrond en ekonomiese boerdery-eenhede behou word as komponent van 'n oop ruimte sisteem. Langtermyn beplanning is nodig om spekulatiewe aksies te beperk en onsekerheid oor die toekomstige nedersettingstruktuur uit die weg te ruim. Daar word gepoog om stedelike sprei in landbou areas te ontmoedig en daarom moet daar voorsiening gemaak word vir verdere ontwikkeling binne die bestaandenedersettings. Om verder beter beheer oor ontwikkeling in die Dwarsriviervallei uit te oefen, word ondersoek ingestel na die toepassing van die konsep "Spesiale bestuursone" as o.a. grondgebruikbeheermeganisme. Die studie bewys dat die gebied op sigself nie net as 'n geografiese eenheid beskou moet word nie maar as 'n sosiale eenheid met 'n duidelike gevoel vir sin van plek en op grand hiervan 'n gekoordineerde beplanningsbenadering noodsaak. Ten einde die behoud van die omgewingskwaliteit van die Dwarsriviervallei oor die langtermyn te verseker, word daar voorstelle gemaak wat in ag geneem kan word in die bestuur en beplanning asook bewaringsaksies vir die gebied.
Study project (M. in Town and Regional Planning) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1999.
Land settlement -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch Region, Rural development -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch Region, Villages -- Conservation and restoration -- Stellenbosch Region, Regional planning -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch, City planning -- South Africa -- Stellenbosch, Dissertations -- Town and regional planning