Practical implementation of index tests for assessment and control of potential concrete durability

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An investigation into the validity and practicability of performing the water sorptivity, oxygen permeability and chloride conductivity index tests on actual concrete structures is presented. Each test measures a different transport property of fluids or ions through cover concrete. The resistance of concrete to these transport mechanisms governs the rate of deterioration of the concrete and the embedded reinforcement. Current though is that the tests may assist estimation of potential concrete durability and could form the basis of specifications for the assessment and control of cover concrete quality.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die geldigheid en praktiese uitvoerbaarheid van die toepassing van die water sorptiwiteit, suurstof permeabiliteit en chloried konduktiwiteit indekstoetse op beton strukture is ondersoek. Elke toets meet 'n ander meganisme waarmee vloeistowwe of gasse die betondekking kan binndedring. Die weerstand teen die indriging bepaal die tempo van degenerasie van die beton en onderliggende staalbewapening. Die toetse word tans gesien as moontlike aanwysers vir die potensiële duursaamheid van beton, en moontlike grondslag vir spesifikasies vir die kwaliteitskontrole van die betonbedekking op terrein.
Thesis (MIng)--University of Stellenbosch, 1998.