Basic training in the South African police service : determining the perceptions of policing skills of entry-level constables

Gossmann, Leon Ludwig
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The focus of this study is to determine the perception of entry-level constables, field training officers and supervisors with regard to the level of competencies in the condensed Police Basic Training Programme. The research was done in the Pretoria area, which consisted oftwenty-one stations and the Pretoria West Basic Training College. The entry-level constable should complete both the college phase and the field training phase to be declared competent. The entry-level constable completed a questionnaire after completion of the college training and completed a second questionnaire after completion of the field training. The sample group consisted of a convenience group based in the Pretoria area representing the majority of the stations in the area. The supervisors of the entry-level constables were also requested to complete a similar questionnaire. The researcher interviewed the field training officers and mentors by means of a semistructured questionnaire. The entry-level constables were questioned on thirty-seven competencies during both the college and field training. Some competencies included were basic, whilst the other were classified as complex competencies. The duration of the college training and the field training were each four months. The entry-level constables were taught on various subjects in academics that included Law, Elements of a crime, Specific crimes, Statutory and Common Law, Communication, Detention and Law of evidence. Other areas of training were Musketry, Drill and Physical training.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fokus van hierdie studie is om die persepsie van intree-vlak konstabels, veldopleidingsbeamptes en toesighouers te bepaal aangaande die vlak van bevoegdhede in die gekondenseerde Polisie Basiese Opleidingsprogram. Hierdie navorsing is in die Pretoria-area voltooi, en sluit 21 stasies asook die Pretoria-Wes Basiese Opleidingskollege in. Die intree-vlak konstabel moes beide die kollege- en die veldopleidingsfase voltooi het om bevoegd verklaar te word. Die intree-vlak konstabel het 'n vraelys voltooi na die voltooiing van beide die fases van opleiding. Die proefgroep het uit 'n geskiktheidsgroep bestaan wat in die Pretoria-area gestasioneer is en verteenwoordig die oorgrote meerderheid van die stasies in die area. Die toesighouers oor die intree-vlak konstabels is ook versoek om 'n vraelys te voltooi. Die navorser het onderhoude gevoer met die veldopleidingsbeamptes en mentors met behulp van semigestruktureerde vraelyste. Die vraelys het 37 bevoegdhede van die intree-vlak konstabels getoets wat hulle tydens beide hul kollege- en veldopleiding aangeleer het. Sommige van hierdie bevoegdhede was basies terwyl ander as komplekse bevoegdhede geklassifiseer is. Die tydsduur van die kollege- en veldopleiding was vier maande elk. Die intree-vlak konstabels het opleiding in verskeie vakke ontvang insluitende Regte, Elemente van 'n oortreding, Spesifieke oortredings, Landswette en Gemene reg, Kommunikasie, Aanhouding en Regte van bewyse. Ander areas van opleiding sluit in skietkuns, driloefeninge en fisieke opleiding.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007.
Police -- South Africa, Police training -- South Africa, Dissertations -- Public management and planning, Theses -- Public management and planning