The development of a mass memory unit for a micro-satellite using NAND flash memory

Horsburgh, Ian J.
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates the possible use of NAND flash memory for a mass memory unit on a micro-satellite. The investigation begins with an analysis of NAND flash memory devices including the complexity of the internal circuitry and the occurrence of bad memory sections (bad blocks). Design specifications are produced and various design architectures are discussed and evaluated. Subsequently, a four bus serial access architecture using 16- bit NAND flash devices was chosen to be developed further. A VHDL design was created in order to realise the intended system functionality. The main functions of the design include a sustained write data rate of 24 MB/s, bad block management, multiple image storing, error checking and correction, defective device handling and reading while writing. The design was simulated extensively using NAND flash simulation models. Finally, a demonstration test board was designed and produced. This board includes an FPGA and an array of 16 8-bit NAND flash devices. The board was tested sucessfully and a write data rate of 12 MB/s was achieved along with all the other main functions.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die moontlike gebruik van NAND flash tegnologie as die geheue eenheid van ’n mikrosatelliet. As ’n beginpunt word NAND flash tegnologie ondersoek in terme van die kompleksiteit van interne stroombane en die voorkoms van defektiewe geheuesegmente. Daarna word ontwerpspesifikasies voortgebring en verskillende ontwerpsmoontlikhede met mekaar vergelyk. Vanuit hierdie oorwegings is daar besluit om die oplossing te implementeer met ’n vier-bus seri¨ele struktuur bestaande uit 16-bis NAND flash toestelle. Om die ontwerpspesifikasies te realiseer, is ’n VHDL stelsel geskep. Die belangrikste funksies van hierdie stelsel is ’n konstante skryftempo van 24 MB/s, die bestuur van defektiewe geheuesegmente, die stoor van meer as een beeld, foutopsporing en -herstel, optimale werking in die geval van defektiewe geheuetoestelle en laastens, die gelyktydige lees en skryf van data. Die stelsel is breedvoerig getoets met NAND flash simulasiemodelle. Ten slotte is ’n fisiese demonstrasiebord, bestaande uit ’n FPGA en 16 8-bis NAND flash toestelle, ontwerp en gebou. Fisiese metings was ’n sukses. ’n Skryftempo van 12 MB/s is gehaal, tesame met die korrekte werking van die ander hooffunksies.
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2005.
Virtual storage (Computer science), Flash memories (Computers), VHDL (Computer hardware description language), Dissertations -- Electronic engineering, Theses -- Electronic engineering