Rocking the hand that rocks the cradle : exploring the potential of group therapy with low-income South African mother-infant dyads

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The transition to motherhood represents a critical period in a woman's life. It presents the mother with the opportunity for personal development, while simultaneously rendering her vulnerable to psychological problems. The South African low-income mother faces additional challenges in having to contend with a host of poverty-related stressors. The mother's at-risk status extends to her infant, who depends on her for the fulfilment of its needs. Current mental health policy does not consider the special needs of mother-infant dyads, despite its orientation to prevention. The current paper seeks to explore the potential of group therapy with low-income mother-infant dyads. It outlines the possible theoretical underpinnings for psychotherapeutic group work with low-income mothers and infants, by making use of attachment theory, feminist theory and community psychology. It reviews the theories' individual contributions and explores their compatibility in considering group therapy with low-income mother-infant dyads. Further, it reviews empirical studies and interventions with mother-infant dyads, with a particular emphasis on group therapy interventions. It argues that group therapy may be a viable and effective approach to psychological work with low-income mother-infant dyads.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die oorgang tot moederskap verteenwoordig 'n kritiese periode in 'n vrou se lewe. Dit bied die moeder die kans vir persoonlike ontwikkeling, terwyl dit haar gelykertyd kwesbaar maak vir sielkundige probleme. Die Suid-Afrikaanse lae-inkomste moeder moet boonop bykomstige uitdagings, in die vorm van 'n menigdom armoed-verwante stressors, die hoof bied. Die moeder se kwesbare status sluit ook haar baba in, wat op haar aangewese is vir die vervulling van sy/haar behoeftes. Huidige geestesgesondheids-beleid neem, ten spyte van 'n voorkomende oriëntasie, nie die spesiale behoeftes van moeder-kind pare in ag nie. Hierdie werksopdrag beoog om die potensiaal van groepsterapie met lae-inkomste moederkind pare te ondersoek. Dit beskryf kortliks die moontlike teoretiese begrondings van psigoterapeutiese groepswerk met lae-inkomste moeder-kind pare deur gebruik te maak van bindings-teorie, feministiese teorie sowel as gemeenskaps sielkunde. Dit hersien die teorieë se onderskeidelike bydraes en ondersoek hulle aanpasbaarheid met betrekking tot die ondersoek van groepsterapie met lae-inkomste moeder-kind pare. Hierdie werksopdrag hersien dan ook verder empiriese studies en intervensies gemik op moeder-kind pare, met 'n spesifieke fokus op groepsterapie intervensies. Daar word geargumenteer dat groepsterapie 'n geskikte en effektiewe benadering tot sielkundige werk met lae-inkomste moeder-kind pare is.
Assignment (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005.
Group psychotherapy, Mother and infant -- Psychological aspects, Attachment behavior, Feminist theory, Community psychology, Dissertations -- Psychology