Analysis and performance of antenna baluns

Kock, Lotter
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLIAH ABSTRACT: Data transmission plays a cardinal role in today's society. The key element of such a system is the antenna which is the interface between the air and the electronics. To operate optimally, many antennas require baluns as an interface between the electronics and the antenna. This thesis presents the problem definition, analysis and performance characterization of baluns. Examples of existing baluns are designed, computed and measured. A comparison is made between the analyzed baluns' results and recommendations are made.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Data transmissie is van kardinale belang in vandag se samelewing. Antennas is die voegvlak tussen die lug en die elektronika en vorm dus die basis van die sisteme. Vir baie antennas word 'n balun, wat die elektronika aan die antenna koppel, benodig om optimaal te funktioneer. Die tesis omskryf die probleemstelling, analiese en 'n prestasie maatstaf vir baluns. Prakties word daar gekyk na huidige baluns se ontwerp, simulasie, en metings. Die resultate word krities vergelyk en aanbevelings word gemaak.
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2005.
Antennas (Electronics), Dissertations -- Electronic engineering