Yield and quality response of hydroponically grown tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) to nitrogen source and growth medium

Langenhoven, Petrus
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Pine sawdust-shavings (Pinus spp.) is at present a very popular soilless substrate in South African greenhouses. Growers use fresh pine sawdust-shavings as a substrate, which is biologically highly unstable. The greenhouse industry is looking at alternative organic substrates such as coco peat, which already went through a decomposition process and is more stable. A biological inactive substrate such as sand was included to compare microorganism activity with organic substrates. The main objective of this study was to compare the growth, yield and quality of hydroponically grown tomatoes in response to different growth mediums in combination with nitrogen source, irrigation frequency, period of substrate use and liming. In general the drainage water pH declined with an increase in NlLt+-N in the nutrient solution. Low pH values in the drainage water, especially when coco peat was used, had a detrimental effect on marketable yield. The drainage water pH of pine sawdustshavings increased during the growing season when 100 % N03--N was used. Due to the higher cation exchange capacity of coco peat, the drainage water electrical conductivity tends to increase more rapidly than with pine sawdust-shavings, during conditions with high temperatures and when insufficient irrigation volumes per irrigation cycle is applied. As expected the drainage water N03--N content decreased as the NlLt+-N content increased in the nutrient solution. Pine sawdust-shavings recorded a much lower N03--N and NlLt+-N content than sand and coco peat and thus supports the hypothesis that microbiological activity is higher in pine sawdustshavings, especially in the second season of substrate use. Coco peat produced the highest number of marketable fruit and yield per plant, followed by pine sawdustshavings and sand in the first season of substrate use. The number of marketable fruit and yield decreased with an increase in NlLt+-N content in the nutrient solution during production in warmer, summer conditions. Contrary to these fmdings, production in cooler, winter conditions recorded high yields when only N03--N or 80% N03--N : 20% NRt +-N was applied. The unmarketable yield increased with an increase in NlLt+-N in the nutrient solution. Visual evaluations showed that blossom-end rot (BER) was the main contributor to unmarketable yield. Increasing levels ofN03--N as nitrogen source in the nutrient solution, reduced weight loss and increased the loss of fruit firmness of tomatoes during storage. Increasing levels of N03 --N also increased fruit pH and reduced total titratable acidity. Coco peat produced fruit with a higher pH than pine sawdust-shavings. An increase in irrigation frequency affected fruit firmness negatively when coco peat was used as substrate. Different irrigation and fertigation practices are needed for different growth mediums and management needs to be adapted according to the growing season (winter vs. summer).
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Mengsel van dennesaagsels en -skaafsels (Pinus spp.) word tans deur Suid- Afrikaanse kweekbuisprodusente gebruik as grondlose groeimedium. Hierdie groeimedium word nie vooraf gekomposteer nie en is dus biologies onstabiel. Die kweekbuisindustrie ondersoek tans die gebruik van alternatiewe, gekomposteerde en stabiele organiese groeimediums soos kokosveen. 'n Biologies onaktiewe groeimedium soos sand is ook ingesluit om met organiese groeimediums te kan vergelyk. Die hoof doelwit van die studie was om plantontwikkeling, opbrengs en kwaliteit van hidroponies geproduseerde tamaties te evalueer in verskillende groeimediums en in kombinasie met stikstofbron-verhouding, periode van groeimedium gebruik, besproeiingsfrekwensie en bekalking. Oor die algemeen het die pH in die dreinaat gedurende die groeiseisoen toegeneem soos die NH/-N inhoud verhoog het in die voedingsoplossing. Lae pH waardes in die dreinaat, veral waar kokosveen gebruik was, het 'n nadelige effek op bemarkbare opbrengs gehad. Die pH in die dreinaat van dennesaagsels en -skaafsels het gedurende die groeiseisoen toegeneem met die gebruik van 100% NO)--N in die voedingsoplossing. Die elektriese geleiding in die dreinaat van kokosveen neem vinniger toe gedurende toestande waarin hoë temperature en onder besproeiing voorkom, as in dreinaat van dennesaagsels en -skaafsels. Die NO)--N inhoud in die dreinaat het soos verwag afgeneem soos die NRt+-N inhoud in die voedingsoplossing toegeneem het. 'n Baie laer NO)--N en NRt+-N inhoud is by dennesaagsels en -skaafsels aangeteken wat dus die hipotese ondersteun dat mikrobiologiese aktiwiteit, veral in die tweede seisoen van gebruik, hoër is in dennesaagsels en -skaafsels as in sand en kokosveen. Kokosveen het die hoogste aantal bemarkbare vrugte en massa per plant geproduseer, gevolg deur dennesaagsels en -skaafsels en sand. Die aantal bemarkbare vrugte en opbrengs het verlaag met 'n verhoging in NRt+-N in die voedingsoplossing gedurende warm, somer toestande. In teenstelling met vorige resultate is gevind dat 100% NO)-- N of 80% NO)--N : 20% NRt+-N hoë opbrengste gelewer het gedurende koeler, winter toestande. Die onbemarkbare opbrengs het verhoog met hoër NRt+-N vlakke. Visuele waarnemings het aangedui dat blom-end verrotting die grootste bydrae tot onbemarkbare opbrengs gelewer het. 'n Verhoging in NO)--N vlakke het massaverlies beperk en die verlies in fermheid verhoog gedurende opberging. Hoër NO)--N vlakke het ook die pH van vrugte verhoog en die totale titreerbare suur verlaag. Kokosveen het vrugte met 'n hoër pH as dennesaagsels en -skaafsels geproduseer. 'n Toename in besproeiingsfrekwensie het vrug fermheid negatief beïnvloed wanneer kokosveen as groeimedium gebruik was. Verskillende besproeiings- en voedingspraktyke word benodig vir verskillende groeimediums en bestuur van die groeimediums moet aangepas word by klimaatstoestande gedurende die spesifieke produksieseisoen.
Dissertation (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2004.
Hydroponics, Tomatoes -- Yields, Tomatoes -- Quality, Nitrogen in agriculture, Crops and nitrogen, Plant growing media, Artificial, Dissertations -- Agriculture