HIV and AIDS knowledge, attitudes, behaviour and practices of student teachers in Namibia

Mamvura-Gava, Victoria Siphiwe
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: HIV and AIDS is a major challenge to the Namibian and worldwide population. It continues to be the single major killer disease regardless of the education and knowledge the population has. People’s culture, attitude and practices play a major role in turning around the challenge the world faces. Namibia has put extensive education programmes in place to try and control the incidences and prevent further spread of HIV, the study reveals education alone is not enough. This study was to assess the knowledge, attitudes, behaviour and practices of student teachers in the four Namibian Colleges of Education. The study aimed at determining and understanding the level of the knowledge of these young student teachers who will be the future torch bearers of the education sector, the biggest employer in public sector of Namibia. In the process certain beliefs and practices were evaluated. Data was collected from 100 student teachers from the four student teacher colleges using a structured questionnaire. The results indicated that although knowledge levels are quite high, this knowledge was mainly from electronic and print media and a very small portion from the health sector which is currently the Ministry tasked with the HIV and AIDS programming? It was also clear that there is a relationship between knowledge about HIV and AIDS and the standard of education of this population. It was clear however, that education and knowledge does not guarantee behaviour change and that a lot still needs to be done and can still be done to reverse this phenomena.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is die bepaling van die vlak van kennis, houding en praktyke van studente aan vier opvoedkundiges kolleges in Namibië teenoor MIV en Vigs. 'n Gestruktureerde vraelys is gebruik om data by 100 studentonderwysers te verkry. Die resultate van die studie dui daarop dat kennisvlakke hoog is, maar dat hierdie kennis hoofsaaklik kom van inligting verkry uit die elektroniese- en gedrukte media en nie noodwendig vanaf die MIV/Vigsprogramme van die Ministerie van Gesondheid nie. Die studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat hierdie skynbaar hoë kennisvlakke nie tot beduidende gedragsverandering aanleiding gee nie en dat die bestaande MIV en Vigsprogramme verskerp sal moet word voordat wesentlike gedragsverandering hopenlik sal plaasvind.
Thesis (MPhil) -- Stellenbosch University, 2008.
AIDS (Disease) -- Namibia, HIV infections -- Namibia, Student teachers -- Namibia -- Attitudes, Student teachers -- Sexual behavior -- Namibia, Student teachers -- Health and hygiene -- Namibia, Health behavior -- Namibia, Dissertations -- Industrial psychology, Theses -- Industrial psychology, Dissertations -- HIV/AIDS management, Theses -- HIV/AIDS management