Efficient numerical analysis of focal plane antennas for the SKA and the MeerKAT

Ludick, Daniel Jacobus
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Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The use of Focal Plane Arrays (FPAs) as suitable feed-structures for the Parabolic Dish Reflector antennas that are intended to form a large part of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) is currently the topic of conversation in various SKA research groups. The simulation of these structures however, relies on intensive computational resources, which can result in very long simulation runtimes - a serious problem for antenna designers. It was the purpose of the research to investigate efficient simulation techniques, based on the Method of Moments (MoM). In this thesis, the reader will be introduced to ways of improving FPA design by using resources such as High Performance Clusters, developing efficient MoM formulations for FPAs such as the Vivaldi antenna array and by developing efficient solution techniques for the resulting MoM equations by using techniques such as the Characteristic Basis Function Method (CBFM). In addition to the above mentioned methods, the concept of distributed computing is explored as a way to further aid the antenna designer in obtaining desired results in a reasonable time and with sufficient accuracy.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gebruik van Fokus Punt Samestellings (FPS) vir die voer van Paraboliese Skottel Antennas in die Square Kilometer Array (SKA), geniet tans baie aandag in verkeie navorsing-sirkels. Die analise van hierdie samestellings vereis egter intensiewe berekenings-infrastrukture, wat tot lang simulasies kan lei - ’n ernstige probleem vir antenna ontwerpers. Die doel van die skrywer se navorsing was om effektiewe simulasie metodes te ondersoek, gebaseer op die Moment Metode. In hierdie tesis, sal die leser bekendgestel word aan verskeie metodes om die ontwerp van Fokus Punt Samestellings doeltreffend te verrig; nl. die gebruik van Parallel Rekenaar Klusters, die ontwikkeling van effektiewe Moment Metode kode vir samestellings soos die Vivaldi antenna konfigurasie, asook die ontwikkeling van effektiewe oplos-metodes vir die matrikse wat deur die Moment Metode gelewer word, deur die sogenaamde Karakteristieke Basis Funksie Metode (KBFM) te gebruik. Hierby ingesluit word die konsep van verspreide numeriese berekening ondersoek, as ’n manier waarop die antenna ontwerper resultate binne ’n aanvaarbare tyd en akkuraatheid kan verkry.
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
Focal plane antennas, Dissertations -- Electronic engineering, Theses -- Electronic engineering, Square Kilometre Array (SKA), Satellite dish antennas