Research Articles (Postgraduate and International Office)

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    How could South Africa produce more PhDs?
    (AOSIS OpenJournals, 2010-11-19) Cherry, Michael I.
    The Academy of Science of South Africa’s PhD report, released in October, provides an incisive analysis of why the country’s doctoral production remains low. Most of its recommendations are sound, although that of large-scale training of South African doctorates overseas is probably a pipedream.
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    Knowledge management in local government : the case of Stellenbosch Municipality
    (AOSIS OpenJournals, 2010-08) Gaffoor, Shamin; Cloete, Fanie
    Knowledge management (KM) was a well-founded management approach that held significant benefits for public sector organisations. KM as a management philosophy had an impact on various components of an organisation and it could therefore significantly advance organisational efficiency. The successful implementation of KM initiatives had to be ensured because, different organisational processes and departments had to collaborate and functional silos had to be eliminated. KM required long-term commitment and dedication from all organisational members. Furthermore, there were certain knowledge management enablers in an organisation that needed to be developed and that were necessary for the achievement of organisational effectiveness. These enablers were the organisational culture, human resources, information technology, organisational structure and, the organisation’s strategy and leadership. This article assessed each of these enablers and how they impacted on an organisation’s KM efforts. Stellenbosch Municipality was used as a case in point. The article further examined how local governments were able to effectively implement KM practices as strategic tools used to achieve service delivery and operational goals. The article concluded with a number of recommended strategies, (1) to develop the KM enablers that were present in organisations and (2) to aid the implementation of successful organisational KM initiatives.