Towards a reliability based development program for SHCC design procedures

Dymond J.S.
Retief J.V.
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Principles of structural reliability are used mainly to provide a rational basis for improving the safety and economy of design practice with an extensive experience base. Execution of a development program for design procedures for innovative materials and applications on the basis of structural reliability ensures that the outcome readily conforms to existing practice. Other advantages are that reliability techniques could be applied to identify important sources of uncertainty on which subsequent testing and modelling investigations could focus. The use of Bayesian updating techniques allows optimal utilisation of existing information. This could compensate for the lack of an established experience base and extensive information. The development of a reliability based design model and procedure can highlight the advantages of the innovation. The objective of the paper is to outline the way in which the development of the application of an advanced concrete material such as SHCC should be approached. © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London.
Bayesian updating, Concrete materials, Design practice, Design procedure, Development programs, Experience Base, Innovative materials, Reliability based design, Reliability techniques, Sources of uncertainty, Structural reliability, Design, Reliability, Materials
Advances in Cement-Based Materials - Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Concrete Materials