What are the general levels of knowldge, attitudes held and behavioral practices of pupils at Katlehong High School with regards to HIV/AIDS?

Serame, Thembekile
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: HIV/AIDS has become one, among many others, of the major challenges facing the South African youth today, with infection rates highest among the 15 – 24 age groups. Continued efforts to curb the spread of infection are absolutely crucial. The foundation of those efforts will be an understanding of the knowledge levels, attitudes and behavioral practices of the youth with regards to HIV/AIDS, so that an appropriate and effective response is formulated. This study aimed to determine Katlehong High School learners‟ knowledge levels, attitudes and behavioral practices with regards to HIV/AIDS. A convenience-sample of 48 learners took part in the study. A quantitative research design was used to gather data. A questionnaire was administered to students that took part in the study. The results were analysed using statistical analysis. This study found that all research participants had heard about HIV/AIDS, however knowledge levels with regards to modes of transmission were inconsistent. It further found that stigma and discrimination were relatively low among the sample population. Finally, contrary to popular belief that men are the promiscuous ones in relationships, almost as many girls, that took part in this study, as boys reported having multiple partners.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: MIV/VIGS het een van vele vername uitdagings geword wat die Suid-Afrikaanse jeug in die oog staar, veral met die infeksievlakke wat die hoogste tussen die ouderdomsgroep van 15 -24 jaar is. Voortdurende pogings om die uitbreek van infeksies te voorkom is van kardinale belang. Die grondslag van hierdie pogings is om 'n goeie begrip te bekom van die jeug se kennisvlakke, denkwyse en gedragspatrone ten opsigte van MIV/VIGS, sodat „n geskikte en effektiewe oplossing geformuleer kan word. Hierdie studie beoog om die studente van die Hoёrskool Katlehong se kennisvlakke, denkwyse en gedragspatrone ten opsigte van MIV/VIGS te bepaal. 'n Gerieflikheissteekproef van 48 leerders het deelgeneem aan die studie. 'n Kwantitatiewe navorsingsontwerp was gebruik vir data insameling deur middel van vraelyste wat aan die leerders gegee is. Die resultate was ontleed met die gebruik van statistiese ontleding. Die studie het getoon dat alle deelnemers van MIV/VIGS gehoor het, maar hul kennisvlakke oor die oordrag daarvan was verskillend. Daar is ook gevind dat die stigma en diskriminasie teenoor mense wat met MIV/VIGS lewe relatief laag is onder die steekproef. Laastens het die steekproef getoon, teenstrydig met normalle denke, dat daar byna net soveel meisies as seuns is wat meer as een seksuele maat gehad het.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.
School children -- Sexual behavior -- South Africa -- Katlehong, AIDS (Disease) in adolescents -- Prevention -- South Africa -- Katlehong, Dissertations -- Industrial psychology, Theses -- Industrial psychology, Assignments -- Industrial psychology, Dissertations -- HIV/AIDS management, Theses -- HIV/AIDS management, Assignments -- HIV/AIDS management