Is the isolation of people living with HIV/AIDS in Mogalakwena, Waterberg district hospitals aggravating stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS?

Mokwena, William Oukie
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background Stigma and discrimination due to HIV/AIDS has been a threat to the community and the society at large. This disturbs the national health department‟s goal of providing care and support for those who are living with HIV/AIDS and those affected. It is a fact that government advocates against stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV (PLHIV). Stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV has been a problem as those who are affected and infected experience discrimination from their own families, communities and even at government hospitals where they expect to get help. The purpose of this study is to ascertain if the isolation of people living with HIV/AIDS in Mogalakwena, Waterberg district in Limpopo hospitals is aggravating stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV. Objectives The objective of the study is to: 1) establish as to whether PLHIV are treated the same as other patients when consulting at government hospitals. 2) Explore the existence of stigma and discrimination during the delivery of health care services. 3) To ascertain if bridge of confidentiality is violated by the employees in the department to of health against HIV/AIDS patients. 4) Describe personal experiences of officials handle people living with HIV concerning stigma and discrimination in hospitals and healthcare facilities. 5) Identify factors in practice that promote stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV. Methods In this study non-experimental qualitative research design was used as it is an interpretative, multi-method approach that investigates people in their natural environment. This approach was used as the study was conducted in the natural surroundings of the participants (Christensen B, 2007:62). Qualitative data was collected, using a questionnaire as a measuring instrument, which was done using both close ended and open ended questions. Data was interpreted and the information gained helped provide light to the problem in question. Results The study revealed that PLHIV consult at a separate location made specifically for those who are living with HIV. Their files are marked differently and stickers are used to indicate the status and level of HIV patient. Administration staff lacks knowledge about stigma and discrimination. The type of sigma common was verbal and took place at the hospital. Conclusion It has been observed that the element of stigmatization is prevalent at government hospitals in Mogalakwena. This should not be generalised to other government hospitals as the study was only conducted at Mokopane and Voortrekker hospital in Limpopo. The policy about the management of confidentiality of patient‟s status must be available to all employees. This could help to cap against stigma and discrimination. There is a need for monitoring and support of stigma and discrimination principles.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die stigma en diskriminasie wat daar heers as gevolg van MIV/VIGS veroorsaak 'n bedreiging in die gemeenskap en samelewing as geheel. Dit ontwrig die Nasionale Departement van Gesondheid en Welsyn se doelwit om sorg en ondersteuning te bied aan diegene wat met MIV leef asook diegene wat daardeur beïnvloed word. Die doel van die studie is om die volgende te bevestig dat: Is die isolasie waarin mense met MIV leef in Mogalakwena, distrik in Limpopo se hospitale besig om die stigma en diskriminasie te vererger teen diegene wat met MIV saamleef. Die volgende doelwitte word gestel; 1) Bepaal die graad van doeltreffendheid, van behandeling van vigspasiënte, in vergelyking met ander pasiënte in staatshospitale. 2) Ondersoek tot watter mate die stigma en diskriminasie 'n rol speel in dienslewering aan pasiënte. 3) Bepaal in watter mate die departement van gesondheid pasiënte se konfidensialiteit behou of nie. 4) Notuleer persoonlike ondervinding van vigslyers in verband met stigma en diskrimminasie in staatshospilale en klinieke. 5) Identifiseer die faktore wat stigmatisering en diskrimminasie van vigslyers vererger. Die instrument(e) wat gebruik is, is vraelyste met verskeidenheid van vrae, bv. 0op-en geslote vrae. Die dataverwerking en interpretasie verskaf die nodige informasie om genoemde probleem aan te spreek. Die resultaat van die studie met vigslyers is vergelyk met 'n soortgelyke studie wat in 'n ander gemeenskap gedoen is. Daar is vasgestel dat pasiënte se lêers verskillend gemerk word, byvoorbeeld deur verskillende plakkers wat die status en vlak van die vigslyers aandui. Administratiewe personeel se ontkundigheid en verkeerde houding word hierdeur, en deur verbale misbruik, bewys. Daar is bewys dat stigmatisering en diskriminasie van vigslyers in die staatshospitaal in Mogalakwena bestaan. Veralgemening met alle staatshospitale word nie in die studie gestel nie, net in Mokopane Voortrekker Hospitaal in Limpopo. Die gebrek aan deurlopende implementering van die verskillende beleide aangaande vigs, versterk die stigmatisering en diskriminasie by hospitale en klinieke. Die beleid oor die hantering van konfidensialiteit van pasiënte se status, moet toegepas word en deur alle gesondheidsamptenare eerbiedig word. So kan mense die stigma en diskriminasie teenoor vigslyers stop.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.
HIV infections -- South Africa -- Limpopo, AIDS (Disease) -- South Africa -- Limpopo, Stigma (Social psychology) -- South Africa -- Limpopo, Discrimination -- South Africa -- Limpopo, Isolation -- South Africa -- Limpopo, Dissertations -- Industrial psychology, Theses -- Industrial psychology, Assignments -- Industrial psychology, Dissertations -- HIV/AIDS management, Theses -- HIV/AIDS management, Assignments -- HIV/AIDS management