Optimisation of an HPLC method for the simultaneous quantification of the major sugars and organic acids in grapevine berries

Eyeghe-Bickong H.A.
Alexandersson E.O.
Gouws L.M.
Young P.R.
Vivier M.A.
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A high performance liquid chromatographic method was developed to profile major sugars and organic acids in grapevine berries. Sugars and organic acids in grapevine berries were extracted by chloroform/polyvinylpolypyrrolidone purification. The extracts were chromatographed on an Aminex HPX-87H ion-exchange HPLC column with 5 mM sulphuric acid as mobile phase. Chromatography was visualised via a diode array detector combined with a refractive index detector. The analysis was calibrated using external standard calibration and a novel equation was used to calculate the concentrations of malic acid and fructose from unresolved separation. For the method to be utilised for analysing a large numbers of berry samples, each sample was directly injected after sample extraction and the extraction step was downscaled to allow the use of small amounts of sample material. The concentrations of sugars and organic acids in grapevine berry samples were normalised to the internal standard concentrations obtained after extraction of an internal standard mixture. The analysis method exhibits a good precision and a high analyte recovery from samples spiked with the standard mixture and is suitable for the profiling of major sugars and organic acids in grapevine berry samples at different stages of berry development. This is the first report on the combined profiling of the major sugars and organic acids in grapevine berries using milligram amounts of plant material with direct injection after sample extraction. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Grapevine berries, High performance liquid chromatography, Organic acids, Sugars
Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 43, 49, 885-886