R.O. Dudley : teacher, educator and political dissenter (1924–2009)

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Academy of Science of South Africa
In education and anti-racist politics in South Africa’s Western Cape region, Richard (Dick or R.O.) Dudley was an exceptionally influential intellectual figure who was revered by those who knew him and enjoyed legendary status among many others who had simply heard of his towering reputation. In the school classroom, far more than just a gifted teacher, he was a probing and challenging educationist in the deepest philosophical sense. Likewise, in his left-wing political activism and caustic opposition to segregation and apartheid, Dudley was a true radical nonconformist, dismissing the politics of liberalism, African nationalism and Communism as either tepidly reformist, vacuously populist or slavishly Stalinist.
The original publication is available at http://www.sajs.co.za/
CITATION: Nasson, B. 2010. R.O. Dudley: Teacher, Educator and Political Dissenter (1924–2009). South African Journal of Science, 106(9/10), doi: 10.4102/sajs.v106i9/10.419.
Dudley, R. O.
Nasson, B. 2010. R.O. Dudley: Teacher, Educator and Political Dissenter (1924–2009). South African Journal of Science, 106(9/10), doi: 10.4102/sajs.v106i9/10.419