Predictive control of a series-input, parallel-output, back-to-back, flying-capacitor multilevel converter

Du Toit, Daniel Josias
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates the viability of constructing a solid-state transformer (SST) with a series-input, parallel-output connection of full-bridge, three-level ying-capacitor converters. It focusses on the active recti er front-end of the SST which is used to control the input current to be sinusoidal and in-phase with the sinusoidal input voltage. A stack of two converters are built and tested. The input current, as well as the ying capacitor voltages of the two active recti ers in the stack, are actively controlled by a nite-state model-based predictive (FS-MPC) controller. The use of multiple ying-capacitor converters poses a problem when using FS-MPC because of the large number of possible switching states to include in the prediction equations. Three FS-MPC control algorithms are proposed to attempt to overcome the problem associated with the large number of switching states. They are implemented on an FPGA digital controller. The algorithms are compared on the bases of voltage and current errors, as well as their responses to disturbances that are introduced into the system. The simulation and experimental results that are presented shows that by interleaving the control actions for the two converters, one can obtain fast and robust responses of the controlled variables. The viability of extending the interleaving control algorithm beyond two converters is also motivated.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die moontlikheid van volbrug, drievlak vlieënde-kapasitoromsetters wat gebruik word om 'n serie-intree, parallel-uittree drywingselektroniese transformator (DET) te bou. Dit fokus op die aktiewe gelykrigter van die DET wat gebruik word om die intreestroom te beheer om sinusvormig en in fase met die sinusvormige intreespanning te wees. 'n Stapel van twee omsetters word gebou en getoets. Die intreestroom, sowel as die vlieënde kapasitorspannings van die twee aktiewe gelykrigters in die stapel, word aktief beheer met behulp van 'n eindige-toestand, model-gebaseerde voorspellende beheerder (ET-MVB). Die gebruik van veelvuldige vlieënde-kapasitoromsetters bemoeilik die implementering van 'n ET-MVB-beheerder as gevolg van die groot aantal skakeltoestande wat in die voorspellende vergelykings in ag geneem moet word. Drie ET-MVB-algoritmes word voorgestel om te poog om die probleme, wat met die groot aantal skakeltoestande geassosieer word, te oorkom. Die algoritmes word in 'n FPGA digitale verwerker geïmplementeer. Die algoritmes word vergelyk op grond van hul stroom- en spanningsfoute, asook hul reaksie op steurings wat op die stelsel ingevoer word. Die simulasie en praktiese resultate toon dat, deur die beheeraksies vir die twee omsetters te laat oorvleuel, die gedrag van die beheerde veranderlikes vinniger en meer robuust is. Die moontlikheid om die oorvleuelende beheeraksies uit te brei tot meer as twee omsetters word ook gemotiveer.
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--Stellenbosch University, 2011.
Predictive control, Power electronics, Active rectifiers, Flying-capacitor, Solid-state transformer, Dissertations -- Electrical engineering, Theses -- Electrical engineering