The tensions in technology : influences of technology in the modern age

Campbell, Kurt (Kurt Denver)
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Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Technology as a formal structure has been given pride of place in many developing countries because of its association with modernity and social development. It has been grouped with Science as a force that operates beyond reproach because of its perceived rational and instrumental nature. By surveying current theories of technology, philosophy and technology development modules, I investigate the implications that modern technology and technological artifacts have beyond merely their instrumental role. I will question the current conceptions of technology as a rational, objective force by arguing that technology operates as a force that more often than not produces a variety of unintended consequences as part of its impact on society.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In menige ontwikkelende lande geniet tegnologie voorrang as ‘n formele struktuur weens die verbintenis daarvan met moderniteit en sosiale ontwikkeling. Tegnologie word saam met wetenskap gegroepeer omdat dit, weens die waarneembare rasionele en instrumentele aard daarvan, onberispelik funksioneer. Deur huidige teoriee van tegnologie, filosofie en tegnologiese ontwikkelingsmodules te bestudeer, ondersoek ek dié aanduidinge wat moderne tegnologie en tegnologiese artefakte bo en behalwe hul blote instrumentele rolle besit. Ek sal die huidige opvattings van tegnologie as ‘n rasionele, objektiewe krag bevraagteken deur te argumenteer dat tegnologie eerder ‘n verskeidenheid van onopsetlike voortvloeisels as deel van sy impak op die samelewing tot gevolg het.
Thesis (MA(BK))--University of Stellenbosch, 2004.
Technology -- Social aspects, Theses -- Art, Dissertations -- Art