Hypermobility in reproduction

van Dongen P.W.J.
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Peripartum pelvic pain (PPPP) syndrome is thought to be caused by decreased stability of the pelvic girdle, caused by increased relaxin levels during pregnancy. The resulting hypermobility (HM) may result in back pain, symphysiodynia and waddling gait. The hypothesis that pre-existent hypermobility is a major cause of PPPP was investigated. Surveys of HM and HM plus PPPP were conducted in different populations in several countries. The prevalence of HM in non-pregnant nulliparous women ranged between 10% and 39%; cross-sectional studies in pregnant women showed a prevalence between 5% and 19%. Significant correlations between HM and PPPPS were found in the Dutch subjects only. There seems to be a genetic difference between populations with regard to the development of PPPP in HM pregnant women. Pregnancy is the main trigger causing development of benign joint hypermobility syndrome (BJHS) in later life.
relaxin, ballet dancer, Botswana, cesarean section, correlation analysis, demography, female, genetic difference, health survey, human, incidence, joint hypermobility, musician, Netherlands, nullipara, pain assessment, pathogenesis, pelvis pain syndrome, pregnancy, premature labor, prevalence, protein blood level, provocation test, review, Saudi Arabia, scoring system, South Africa, statistical significance, Tanzania, vaginal delivery
South African Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology