Design waves and their probability density functions

Rossouw J.
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Publ by ASCE, New York, NY, United States
Design wave heights were estimated from measured data using a virtually continuous data set consisting of 8 years of waverider data. Evidence is given which shows that waveriders tend to malfunction during storms. Special care was taken to select independent and identically distributed samples from the data before fitting a number of probability distributions to the selected wave heights. Bootstrap techniques were used to select the models that give the best fit to the data as well as to determine the confidence bands for the predicted design wave heights. It is shown that once the model for the long term distribution of wave height is chosen, relatively narrow confidence bands can be obtained for the most probable value of up to the 100 year return period wave if maximum use is made of the available data. Additional aspects of the subject are discussed.
Coastal Engineering, Ocean Engineering, Probability, Confidence Bands, Probability Density Functions, Wave Heights, Waverider Data, Water Waves
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