The impact of social media and other Information and Communications Technology (ICTs) on the evolution of civil unrest as a political risk factor: The case of Turkey

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Although risk calculation is an integral part of any business venture, the term risk has been associated with economic or financial factors causing a country or business’ insolvency. Following the rapid globalisation and internationalisation of trade in the post-Cold War arena, the discipline of political risk analysis (PRA) gained importance. Experts noticed that non-economic factors were impacting markets’ performance and as a result episodic research was being conducted in an effort to understand non-economic risks in the business environment. Due to its intrinsically interdisciplinary nature and as a result of its episodic theoretical development, political risk has been a neglected subject of study in International Relations (IR) and has also lost relevance in real-time PRA. As such the study saw an opportunity to enrich the existent literature to illustrate the need for constant revision of concepts integral to the field of PRA so experts in the field may rely upon theory for guidance. The study can by no means thoroughly discuss every political risk factor that can have an impact on cross border activities. As such this study may be regarded as a longitudinal, historical comparative study on a single case study to illustrate the evolution of one consistently observed political risk factor: civil unrest. Although various post-Cold War megatrends have shaped international relations, and altered the nature of political risk factors, one such megatrend: the advent of Information and Communications Technology (ICTs) has impacted civil unrest especially. Guided by the research question How has the nature of civil unrest changed since the advent of ICTs and social media? the study uses the Turkish case study to illustrate the changes in civil unrest throughout the years paying particular attention to the use of ICTs in recent years. Due to PRA’s interdisciplinary nature and inconsistent and thorough research on context-specific political risk factors, the study employed social movement theories to guide the reader. Structural theories such as resource mobilisation theory (RMT), political process theory (PPT) as well as social constructivist theories such as new social movement theory (NSMT) and the logic of connective action were applied to the Turkish case study to illustrate the change in nature of collective action. In addition, the various historical and contemporary conceptualisations of civil unrest were also discussed to illustrate the changing indicators that have been present in the conceptualisations. To further establish the need for theoretical revision to accurately reflect the contemporary political risk landscape, the study also made use of key informant interviews to gain insight into real-time PRA and how ICTs have impacted their daily tasks. The study found that ICTs offer those aggrieved and looking to mobilise against their governments a more affordable, accessible, wide reaching and instantaneous platform to organise and facilitate collective action. And as a result of the increased fast paced manner in which civil unrest can now materialise with the help of ICTs as illustrated in the Gezi Park protests that destabilised Turkey in 2013, the need for more accurate PRA becomes more evident as connective technology becomes increasingly integral in modern times.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alhoewel risikoberekening 'n integrale deel van enige sakeonderneming is, word die term risiko geassosieer met ekonomiese of finansiele faktore wat 'n land of besigheid se insolvensie veroorsaak. Na die vinnige globalisering en internasionalisering van handel in die post-Koue Oorlog-arena, het die dissipline van politieke risiko-analise (PRA) belangrikheid gekry. Kenners het opgemerk dat nie-ekonomiese faktore markte se prestasie beinvloed en gevolglik is episodiese navorsing gedoen in 'n poging om nie-ekonomiese risiko's in die besigheidsomgewing te verstaan. Weens die intrinsiek interdissiplinere aard daarvan en as gevolg van die episodiese teoretiese ontwikkeling daarvan, was politieke risiko 'n verwaarloosde onderwerp van studie in Internasionale Betrekkinge (IR) en het dit ook relevansie in intydse PRA verloor. As sodanig het die studie 'n geleentheid gesien om die bestaande literatuur te verryk om die behoefte aan konstante hersiening van konsepte wat 'n integrale deel van die veld van PRA is, te illustreer, sodat kundiges in die veld op teorie kan staatmaak vir leiding. Die studie kan geensins elke politieke risikofaktor wat 'n impak op oorgrensaktiwiteite kan he, deeglik bespreek nie. Sodoende kan hierdie studie beskou word as 'n longitudinale, historiese vergelykende studie oor 'n enkele gevallestudie om die evolusie van een konsekwent waargenome politieke risikofaktor te illustreer: burgerlike onrus. Alhoewel verskeie post-Koue Oorlog megatendense internasionale betrekkinge gevorm het, en die aard van politieke risikofaktore verander het, het een so 'n megatendens: die koms van Inligting- en Kommunikasietegnologie (ICTs) veral burgerlike onrus beinvloed. Gelei deur die navorsingsvraag hoe het die aard van burgerlike onrus verander sedert die koms van ICTs en sosiale media? maak die studie gebruik van die Turkse gevallestudie om die verandering in burgerlike onrus deur die jare te illustreer, met besondere aandag aan die gebruik van ICTs in onlangse jare. As gevolg van PRA se interdissiplinere aard en inkonsekwente navorsing oor konteksspesifieke politieke risikofaktore, het die studie sosiale bewegingsteorieë aangewend om die leser te lei. Strukturele teoriee soos hulpbronmobiliseringsteorie (RMT), politieke prosesteoriee (PPT) sowel as sosiaal-konstruktivistiese teoriee soos nuwe sosiale bewegingsteorie (NSMT) en die logika van verbindingsaksie is op die Turkse gevallestudie toegepas om die verandering in aard van kollektiewe optrede aan te dui. Daarbenewens is die verskillende historiese en kontemporere konseptualiserings van burgerlike onrus ook bespreek om die veranderende aanwysers wat in die konseptualiserings aanwesig was, te illustreer. Om die behoefte aan teoretiese hersiening om die kontemporere politieke risiko-landskap akkuraat te weerspieel verder vas te stel, het die studie ook gebruik gemaak van sleutel-informant-onderhoude om insig te kry in intydse PRA en hoe ICTs hul daaglikse take beinvloed het. Die studie het bevind dat ICTs vir diegene wat gegrief is en teen hul regerings wil mobiliseer 'n meer bekostigbare, toeganklike, wydreikende en onmiddellike platform bied om kollektiewe optrede te organiseer en te fasiliteer. En as gevolg van die toenemende vinnige wyse waarop burgerlike onrus nou kan realiseer met behulp van ICTs soos geillustreer in die Gezi Park-protes wat Turkye in 2013 gedestabiliseer het, word die behoefte aan meer akkurate PRA duideliker namate verbindingstegnologie al hoe meer integraal word in die moderne tyd.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Political risk -- Turkey, International relations -- Turkey, Information technology (IT) -- Turkey, Riots -- Turkey, Social movements -- Turkey, Social media -- Political aspects -- Turkey, Citizen journalism -- Turkey, Turkey -- Politics and government -- 21st century, UCTD