Experimental design evaluating the impact of a wellbeing initiative on blue-collar employee engagement, burnout and psychological capital

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: Businesses have been successful in reaching their economic objectives and realising new innovations that have contributed to the modernisation and sophistication of society. However, the prioritisation of economic growth has developed alongside poverty, and prosperity alongside environmental damage. Additionally, there is a global paradigm shift from traditional capitalist business practice to responsible global capitalism. This has increased pressure on organisations to be strategic partners in achieving real socio-economic change and not purely economic growth. The implication of this is that businesses have begun identifying the priority needs and challenges of the surrounding disadvantaged communities, from which some of their employees derive, in order to contribute to alleviating their socio-economic challenges. This is based on the premise that when the home environment of the employee is supportive and conducive to health and wellbeing, performance and engagement at work will increase. Furthermore, employee work engagement is on a global decline, costing organisations significantly in terms of low productivity, high absenteeism, less innovation, poor customer service, and high recruitment and training costs. This has led to an urgent need for research into a broader based model that addresses the less traditional factors hampering employee work engagement and perpetuating burnout. The South African workforce is facing multiple challenges, two of which include poverty and low work engagement contributed to by a lack of physical and psychological resources. To date, the wellbeing of employees has been managed through short-term Employee Assistance Programmes or health programmes that have lacked in the impact of empowering employees with the tools they require to take ownership of the challenges they are facing. This study aimed to investigate the impact that a multi-dimensional blue-collar employee wellbeing initiative would have on blue-collar employees’ psychological capital, work engagement and burnout. The model of ethical, proactive business practice that this thesis proposes is unique and cuts across multiple disciplines and fields of research, contributing to its necessity of investigation and validation. This research addresses increasing employee work engagement through a multi-dimensional wellness initiative, in the context of the global trend of responsible global capitalism and the unique political, economic and social context of South Africa. Research was conducted within a retail company using the mixed model repeated measures and analysis of variance research methodology on two sample groups: the control sample group that received no exposure to the multi-dimensional wellbeing initiative, and the experimental sample group which was exposed to the multi-dimensional internal wellbeing initiative, Love My Journey. The change in employee work engagement, burnout and psychological capital was measured through the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), Compound PsyCap Scale (CPC-12 Scale) and the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI). It was hypothesised that the multi-dimensional wellbeing initiative would have a positive impact on the experimental group’s wellbeing. This null hypothesis (hypothesis 1) could not be rejected. This was the primary outcome of the study. It was further hypothesised that this positive impact on psychological capital would have a positive impact on work engagement and a negative impact on burnout. Additionally, there was no significant difference between the levels of work engagement or burnout of the control group and experimental group, therefore the null hypothesis for hypothesis 2 and hypothesis 3 could not be rejected. The limitations of the study are discussed, recommendations are presented for further research and preactical managerial implications are discussed.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Besighede was suksesvol om hul ekonomiese doelwitte te bereik en nuwe innovasies te verwesenlik – hierdie twee aspekte het bygedra tot die modernisering en gesofistikering van die samelewing. Die prioritisering van ekonomiese groei het egter saam met armoede ontwikkel, en welvaart saam met omgewingskade. Boonop is daar 'n globale paradigmaskuif van tradisionele kapitalistiese sakepraktyk na verantwoordelike globale kapitalisme. Dit het die druk op organisasies verhoog om strategiese vennote te wees om werklike sosio-ekonomiese verandering te bewerkstellig en nie suiwer ekonomiese groei na te jaag nie. Die implikasie hiervan is dat besighede die prioriteitsbehoeftes en uitdagings van die omliggende benadeelde gemeenskappe, waaruit sommige van hul werknemers kom, begin identifiseer het om sodoende by te dra om hul werknemers se sosio-ekonomiese uitdagings te verlig. Dit is gebaseer op die uitgangspunt dat wanneer die huisomgewing van die werknemer ondersteunend en bevorderlik is vir gesondheid en welstand, die prestasie en betrokkenheid van die werknemer by die werk sal toeneem. Verder is werknemer werkbetrokkenheid besig om wereldwyd af te neem, wat organisasies aansienlik kos in terme van lae produktiwiteit, hoe afwesigheid, minder innovasie, swak klientediens en hoë werwings- en opleidingskoste. Dit het gelei tot 'n dringende behoefte aan navorsing rakende 'n breer gebaseerde model wat die minder tradisionele faktore aanspreek wat werknemer werkbetrokkenheid belemmer en uitbranding laat voortduur. Die Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsmag staar vele uitdagings in die gesig, waarvan twee armoede en lae werksbetrokkenheid is; dit word bygedra deur 'n gebrek aan fisiese en sielkundige hulpbronne. Tot op hede is die welstand van werknemers bestuur deur middel van korttermynwerknemerbystandsprogramme of gesondheidsprogramme waarvan beide nie die werknemers bemagtig met die nodige gereedskap om die impak wat hulle benodig om eienaarskap te neem van die uitdagings wat hulle in die gesig staar nie. Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om die impak te ondersoek wat 'n multidimensionele blouboordjiewerknemerwelstandsinisiatief op blouboordjiewerknemers se sielkundige kapitaal, werksbetrokkenheid en uitbranding sou he. Die model van etiese, proaktiewe besigheidspraktyk wat hierdie proefskrif voorstel, is uniek en strek oor verskeie dissiplines en navorsingsvelde, wat bydra tot die noodsaaklikheid van hierdie ondersoek en validering. Hierdie navorsing is binne 'n kleinhandelmaatskappy uitgevoer deur gebruik te maak van die gemengde model se herhaalde maatstawwe en ontleding van variansienavorsingsmetodologie op twee steekproefgroepe: Die kontrole steekproefgroep wat geen blootstelling aan die multidimensionele welstandsinisiatief ontvang het nie, en die eksperimentele steekproefgroep wat wel blootgestel is aan die multidimensionele interne welstandsinisiatief − Love My Journey. Die verandering in werknemer werkbetrokkenheid, uitbranding en sielkundige kapitaal is gemeet deur die Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), Compound PsyCap Scale (CPC-12 Scale) en die Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI). Hierdie navorsing spreek toenemende werknemer werkbetrokkenheid aan deur 'n multidimensionele welstandsinisiatief, binne die konteks van die globale tendens van verantwoordelike globale kapitalisme en die unieke politieke, ekonomiese en sosiale konteks van Suid-Afrika. Daar is veronderstel dat die multidimensionele welstandsinisiatief 'n positiewe impak op die eksperimentele groep se welstand sal he. Hierdie nulhipotese (hipotese 1) kon nie verwerp word nie. Dit was die primere uitkoms van die studie. Daar is verder veronderstel dat hierdie positiewe impak op sielkundige kapitaal 'n positiewe impak op werksbetrokkenheid en 'n negatiewe impak op uitbranding sou he. Daarbenewens was daar geen beduidende verskil tussen die vlakke van werksbetrokkenheid of uitbranding van die kontrolegroep en eksperimentele groep nie, daarom kon die nulhipotese vir hipotese 2 en hipotese 3 nie verwerp word nie. Die beperkings van die studie word bespreek, aanbevelings word vir verdere navorsing aangebied en praktiese bestuursimplikasies word bespreek.
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Employee assistance programs, Burn out (Psychology), Well-being -- Employees, UCTD