Developing creativity in entrepreneurs – A scoping review

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With the emergence of rapid technological advancement enforcing pressure on the workforce to upskill, an essential skill like creativity is critical for survival in these uncertain times. The emergence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (including Industry 4.0) and the current global pandemic are challenging humankind to embrace change to survive the 21st century. These unpredictable times have affected many industries, especially entrepreneurs who are significant contributors to economies and employment sectors. Entrepreneurs need creativity skills to enhance their ideas, products and services. The aim of this study was to conduct a scoping review to explore existing literature and provide an overview of all relevant research found regarding creativity and entrepreneurship. The scoping review followed the five stages of the framework outlined by Arksey and O’Malley (2005) and included literature studies (N=23) that answered the research question. The review spanned a period of 21 years (2000 – 2021). The results of the review indicated that entrepreneurs learn creativity either in groups or individually, formally or informally, and through different learning modes. Different learning strategies and models were noted and recommendations for using these shared. The results of the study point to a need for a unified approach in formal education (and in particular in higher education) to teaching creativity in entrepreneurship education with the inclusion of modern pedagogical models and technology to be more learner-centric. Emphasis should be given to the creativity content. Creativity and entrepreneurship are inextricably linked and by further developing creativity skills, the future generation of entrepreneurs may be drivers of economic development.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met die onlangse versnelling in tegnologiese voortuitgang wat druk op die arbeidsmag plaas om spesifieke vaardighede te ontwikkel, is kreatiwiteit geidentifiseer as n kritiese vaardigheid. Die Vierde Industriele Revolusie (insluitend Nywerheid 4.0) en die huidige wereldwye pandemie daag die mensdom uit om ontwikkeling en vooruitgang aan te gryp om die 21ste eeu te oorleef. Hierdie onvoorspelbare tye het alle bedrywe geraak, veral entrepreneurs wie beduidende bydraers is tot ekonomiee en indiensnemingsektore. Entrepreneurs het kreatiwiteitsvaardighede nodig het om hul idees, produkte en dienste te verbeter. Die doel van hierdie studie was om 'n bestek-oorsig te gebruik om bestaande literatuur te ondersoek en 'n samevattende oorsig te gee van alle relevante navorsing in die literatuur rakende kreatiwiteit en entrepreneurskap. Die bestek-oorsig volg die raamwerk in vyf fases wat deur Arksey en O'Malley (2005) uiteengesit is, en bevat literatuurstudies (N=23) wat die navorsingsvraag beantwoord het. Die oorsig het ’n periode van 21 jaar betref (2000 – 2021). Die resultate het aangedui dat entrepreneurs kreatiwiteit leer in groepe of individueel, formeel of informeel, en deur verskillende leermodes leer. Verskillende leerstrategiee en modelle is ontdek en aanbevelings vir die gebruik daarvan word bespreek. Die resultate van die studie dui op 'n behoefte aan 'n eenvormige benadering in formele onderwys (en veral in die hoëronderwyssektor) om kreatiewe onderrig in ondernemersopvoeding te onderrig, met die insluiting van moderne pedagogiese modelle en tegnologie om meer inklusief en leerdergesentreerd te wees. Klem moet gele word op die kreatiwiteitsinhoud. Kreatiwiteit en entrepreneurskap is onlosmaaklik verbind en deur verdere ontwikkeling van kreatiwiteitsvaardighede, mag die toekomstige generasie entrepreneurs die dryfveer van ekonomiese ontwikkeling wees.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Entrepreneurs, Businesspeople, Entrepreneurship -- Study and teaching (Higher), Creative ability, UCTD