The effect of using a measuring instrument to analyse the level of creative thinking of visual arts students from a teaching perspective

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A study was conducted in the undergraduate programs of the Arts and Design Faculty of a South African Private Higher Education Institution to determine an alternative taxonomy from Bloom’s Cognitive domain taxonomy, as Bloom's taxonomy is unsuitable for assessing creative thinking skills. The study's significance stems from the fact that it will address key shortcomings in the way art and design lecturers have previously graded students’ works. Typically, in the arts and design disciplines, lecturers will only look at and evaluate a student's final artwork once it has been submitted to them for review. The finished art output serves as the sole source of feedback for students, who receive little information regarding the approaches they utilized or whether any skill deficiencies should be addressed. Using an alternative taxonomy like Wilsons’ art education taxonomy to assess whether learning goals have been achieved will help in identifying gaps in the creative thinking skills and psychomotor skills of art students. Fifteen lecturers from a variety of arts programs replied to the survey by completing an online questionnaire evaluating fifteen students' artworks, which was part of their formative assessment using the three measuring instruments developed for the study. The lecturers completed the measuring instruments online, and the data were examined quantitatively. The methodological framework for this study is grounded in Vygotsky’s constructivist learning theory with a pragmatist philosophical research approach. From this approach, this study is linked to the interdisciplinary bodies of knowledge relating to the cognitive taxonomy of Bloom, the psychomotor taxonomy of Dave and the arts taxonomy of Wilson by means of a literature review. The study's findings reveal that there is a significant difference in recognizing creative thinking and psychomotor skill gaps when measuring instruments are classified and implemented according to different taxonomies. Using the methods and measuring tools created in this study, the lecturer will be able to continue to analyze the students' work and detect students' psychomotor and creative thinking limitations as they finish their projects.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ’n Studie is in die voorgraadse programme van die Fakulteit Kuns en Ontwerp van ’n Suid-Afrikaanse private hoëronderwysinstelling gedoen. Die doel was om ’n alternatiewe taksonomie uit Bloom se kognitiewe domeintaksonomie te bepaal, aangesien Bloom se taksonomie nie geskik is vir die assessering van kreatiewe denkvaardighede nie. Die studie is betekenisvol omdat dit vroeëre wesenlike tekortkominge uitlig in die wyse waarop kuns- en ontwerpdosente studente se werke gegradeer het. Voorheen is gevind dat binne die kuns- en ontwerpdissiplines, dosente tipies ʼn student se finale kunswerk eers ná indiening sal ondersoek en assesseer. Studente verkry dus eers terugvoerende kennis uit die finale kunsproduk, en gevolglik is daar 'n gebrek aan terugvoerende kennis oor die tegnieke wat hulle gebruik het. Sou daar enige leemtes in hul vaardighede wees, kan sodanige leemtes egter nie betyds voor die finale indiening aangespreek word nie. Indien daar van 'n alternatiewe taksonomie soos Wilson se kunsopvoedingstaksonomie gebruik gemaak word om te bepaal of leerdoelwitte bereik is, sal dit help om die leemtes in die kreatiewe denkvaardighede en psigomotoriese vaardighede van kunsstudente te identifiseer. Vyftien dosente vanuit 'n verskeidenheid kunsprogramme het op die uitnodiging vir studiedeelname geantwoord. Die deelnemende dosente het 'n aanlynvraelys voltooi waarin vyftien studente se kunswerke geëvalueer is. Dit het deel gevorm van hul formatiewe assessering waartydens die drie meetinstrumente wat vir die studie ontwikkel is, gebruik is. Die dosente het die meetinstrumente aanlyn voltooi, en die data is daarna kwantitatief ontleed. Die metodologiese raamwerk vir hierdie studie is gegrond in Vygotsky se konstruktivistiese leerteorie met 'n pragmatistiese filosofiese navorsingsbenadering. Vanuit hierdie benadering word die huidige studie deur middel van 'n literatuuroorsig met die interdissiplinêre kenniskorpus met betrekking tot die kognitiewe taksonomie van Bloom, die psigomotoriese taksonomie van Dave en die kunste-taksonomie van Wilson verbind. Die studie se bevindinge toon dat daar 'n beduidende verskil is in die herkenning van kreatiewe denke en psigomotoriese vaardigheidsgapings wanneer meetinstrumente volgens verskillende taksonomieë geklassifiseer en geïmplementeer word. Deur gebruik te maak van die metodes en meetinstrumente wat in hierdie studie geskep is, sal die dosente in staat wees om voort te gaan om die studente se werk te ontleed en beperkings in die studente se psigomotoriese en kreatiewe denke op te spoor onderwyl hulle hul projekte voltooi.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.), Creative thinking, Perceptual-motor learning, Art -- Study and teaching (Higher), Design -- Study and teaching (Higher), Education -- Aims and objectives, Educational tests and measurements, UCTD