Evaluating the effect of active riparian rehabilitation initiatives and investment on native vegetation recovery, in the Berg-Breede catchment, Western Cape, South Africa

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Human-induced ecosystem transformations such as those driven by land-use change and biological invasions, have accelerated in the 20th century, affecting rivers and associated riparian ecosystems. To recover ecosystem functioning, the Berg and Breede River Rehabilitation Programme has undertaken active (alien clearing and revegetation) and passive (alien clearing and spontaneous succession) rehabilitation of riparian habitat at small scales (<2 ha) in the Berg and Breede Catchments. To provide an evidence-based approach to scaling up interventions, a monitoring programme is required to track progress and monitor success indicators. Four to five years after initial interventions, I investigated the impact of rehabilitation on vegetation composition at 11 sites along the Berg and Breede Rivers. I aimed to determine whether there is a difference in native vegetation recovery (rehabilitation success) between active and passively rehabilitated sites and assess the effect of abiotic variables and rehabilitation investment on success (defined here as native vegetation recovery). Vegetation surveys were conducted on five, 5x5m, plots per active and passive site, in spring and summer (n=220 plots). Abiotic (soil, geomorphological and climatic) variables were measured at each site. A cost calculator was constructed to account for irrigation, planting and labour costs for each site associated with active rehabilitation (n=11). Results demonstrated that native species cover, richness and diversity were significantly higher following active rehabilitation after alien tree clearing. However, four to five years post- rehabilitation, there was no significant difference in alien cover, species richness or diversity between active and passive rehabilitation sites, with alien pioneer grass and herbaceous weed species present in both active and passively rehabilitated sites. Soil and geomorphological variables were the same across active and passive sites, suggesting that rehabilitation success resulted due to active measures taken and not because of abiotic conditions. However, soil (organic carbon, depth, bulk density, Ca, Mg, P, Na) and geomorphological variables (bank slope, buffer zone length) were related to various native and alien vegetation indices. Total species richness (alien and native species) correlated positively with the number of dry days, isothermality, annual precipitation, precipitation of the driest and wettest month and the precipitation of the wettest, driest, warmest and coldest quarter. Total species richness was negatively correlated to annual mean temperature, temperature seasonality, maximum temperature and mean temperature (driest and warmest quarter). Total species diversity was correlated with the same suite of climatic variables, apart from annual mean temperature. Evenness was negatively correlated with the mean temperature (coldest quarter). The correlations between climatic variables and vegetation indices, suggests that rehabilitation practitioners should work with fine-scale climate data during the project planning phase to ensure optimal conditions for planting and establishment. The mean total cost of active rehabilitation per site was approximately ZAR33 per m2 year-1 and investment variables (plant, labour, irrigation) demonstrated no correlation to rehabilitation success. However, planting was negatively related to total and alien species richness (rehabilitation failure indicators). Monitoring vegetation recovery is essential specifically native and alien vegetation indices, abiotic and hydrological variables and rehabilitation costs over longer periods (>3 years) post-rehabilitation to understand lag effects. I conclude that this small-scale active riparian rehabilitation significantly improved native vegetation community composition locally, and results provide initial insights into the effect of abiotic conditions and investment on rehabilitation efforts. The documentation of riparian rehabilitation projects is rare, and this research therefore sets a benchmark and is valuable towards guiding monitoring, evaluation and costing of riparian rehabilitation.
AFRKAANSE OPSOMMING: Menslike geïnduseerde ekosisteem-transformasies, soos grondgebruikverandering en biologiese indringers, het in die 20ste eeu versnel, wat riviere en oewer-ekosisteme beïnvloed. Om die funksionering van die ekosisteem te herstel, het die Berg- en Breederivierrehabilitasieprogram aktiewe (beheer van uitheemse indringerplante en herplanting) en passiewe (beheer van uitheemse indringerplante en spontane opeenvolging) rehabilitasie van oewerhabitat op klein skale (<2 hektaar) in die Berg- en Breede-opvanggebiede onderneem. Om 'n bewysgebaseerde benadering tot die opskaal van intervensies te bied, is 'n moniteringsprogram nodig om vordering op te spoor en suksesaanwysers te monitor. Vier tot vyf jaar na pogings het ek die impak van rehabilitasie op plantegroei by 11 plase langs die Berg en Breederiviere ondersoek. Ek het die doel gehad om te bepaal of daar 'n verskil is in die herstel van inheemse plantegroei (rehabilitasie sukses) tussen aktiewe en passief gerehabiliteerde areas, en om die effek van abiotiese veranderlikes en rehabilitasie-belegging op sukses te bepaal. Plantegroei-opnames is uitgevoer op vyf, 5x5m, plotte per aktiewe en passiewe areas, in die lente en somer (n = 220). Grond-, geomorfologiese en klimaatsveranderlikes (abioties) is op elke area gemeet. 'n Kosterekenaar is ontwerp om rekening te hou met besproeiing, aanplanting en arbeidskoste vir elke area wat met aktiewe rehabilitasie verband hou (n = 11). Resultate het getoon dat inheemse spesies se spesiebedekking, rykdom en diversiteit (Shannon- Weiner) aansienlik hoër was na aktiewe rehabilitasie. Vier tot vyf jaar na rehabilitasie was daar egter geen noemenswaardige verskil in uitheemse spesiebedekking, rykheid of diversiteit (Shannon-Weiner) tussen aktiewe en passiewe areas nie. Uitheemse pioniersgras en kruidagtige onkruidspesies whetat op aktiewe sowel as passief gerehabiliteerde areas voorkom. Grond- en geomorfologiese veranderlikes was dieselfde in aktiewe en passiewe areas, wat daarop dui dat rehabilitasie-sukses ontstaan het as gevolg van aktiewe metodes, en nie as gevolg van abiotiese toestande nie. Grond (organiese koolstof, diepte, massa-digtheid, Ca, Mg, P, Na) en geomorfologiese veranderlikes (bankhelling, lengte van die buffersone) was egter verwant aan verskillende inheemse en uitheemse plantindekse. Totale spesierykheid (vreemde en inheemse spesies) het positief gekorreleer met die aantal droë dae, isotermie, jaarlikse neerslag, neerslag van die droogste en natste maand en die neerslag van die natste, droogste, warmste en koudste kwartaal. Die totale spesierykheid was negatief gekorreleer met die jaarlikse gemiddelde temperatuur, temperatuur-seisoenaliteit, maksimum temperatuur en gemiddelde temperatuur (die droogste en warmste kwartaal). Die totale spesiediversiteit is gekorreleer met dieselfde reeks klimaatsveranderlikes, behalwe die jaarlikse gemiddelde temperatuur. Die spesie egaligheid was negatief gekorreleer met die gemiddelde temperatuur (koudste kwartaal). Die korrelasies tussen klimaatsveranderlikes en plantindekse dui daarop dat rehabilitasiepraktisyns tydens die projekbeplanningsfase met fynskaalse klimaatdata moet werk om optimale toestande vir aanplanting en vestiging te verseker. Die gemiddelde totale koste van aktiewe rehabilitasie per perseel was ongeveer ZAR33 per m2 jaar-1 en beleggingsveranderlikes (aanplanting, arbeid, besproeiing) het geen korrelasie met rehabilitasie sukses getoon nie. Die aanplanting was egter negatief verwant aan die totale en uitheemse spesierykheid (aanwysers vir rehabilitasie-mislukking). Die monitering van die herstel van plantegroei (>3 jaar na rehabilitasie) oor langer tydperke is noodsaaklik, spesifiek inheemse en uitheemse plantindekse, abiotiese en hidrologiese veranderlikes en rehabilitasiekoste, om vertragende effekte te verstaan. Die gevolgtrekking is dus dat, hierdie kleinskaalse aktiewe oewer-rehabilitasie plaaslik aansienlike verbeterde samestelling van die inheemse plantegroei-gemeenskap het, en resultate bied aanvanklike insigte in die effek van abiotiese toestande en belegging in rehabilitasiepogings. Die dokumentasie van oewer-rehabilitasieprojekte is skaars, en hierdie navorsing stel dus 'n maatstaf, en is waardevol vir die leiding van monitering, evaluering en kosteberekening van rehabilitasie.
Thesis (MScConsEcol)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Riparian restoration, Riparian ecology -- South Africa -- Western Cape -- Management, Revegetation, Native vegetation recovery, Soil geomorphology, UCTD