Development of a 1.5 MW, seven level series-stacked converter as an APF and regeneration converter for a DC traction substation

Henning P.H.
Fuchs H.D.
Le Roux A.D.
Mouton H.Du.T.
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A prototype 1.5 MW series-stacked converter system was built and installed at a DC-traction substation. The converter inverts energy generated by slowing an electric train using regenerative braking. The regenerated energy is fed into the local AC network at the DC-substation. A secondary function of the converter is to perform active power filtering (APF) while a train is drawing power from the substation. The systems control is based on the Instantaneous Reactive Power Theory. An interleafed switching scheme is used to switch the seven level series-stacked converter, thus exploiting the natural balancing properties of the series-stacked converter. Results obtained from tests done show that both the APF and regeneration functions of the system were successfully implemented. © 2005 IEEE.
Active filters, DC generator motors, Electric substations, Electric traction, Reactive power, Active power filtering (APF), DC-substation, Instantaneous Reactive Power Theory, Series-stacked converter, Static converters
PESC Record - IEEE Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference