Synthesis and morphology of platinum-coated hollow-fiber carbon membranes

Sanderson R.D.
Sadiku E.R.
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Hollow-fiber carbon membranes were prepared and used as support media for a platinum catalyst. The platinum metal was deposited onto the surface of the hollow-fiber carbon membranes by three different techniques: solution coating with chloroplatinic acid, which is the commonly used technique; vapor deposition, involving the sublimation of the platinum metal; and magnetron sputter coating, the most effective method. The hollow-fiber carbon membranes coated with a chloroplatinic acid solution were studied with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX). The platinum coating grew on the surface, unevenly, in the form of small crystals. The percentage of platinum on the surface was too low to be detected by EDAX. The high-vacuum evaporation coating of the membranes with platinum was also studied with both SEM and EDAX. Again, because of the low percentage of platinum, EDAX did not reveal any platinum on the surfaces of the membranes. The magnetron sputter coating of platinum onto the membranes was performed and studied with SEM. The thickness of the coated platinum could be varied through variations in the coating time. The cavities observed in the micrographs were formed during the coating operations by the presence of dust particles on the membranes. An SEM micrograph of a hollow-fiber carbon membrane, produced from a polyacrylonitrile-based precursor, spun with a low amount of dimethyl sulfoxide in the bore fluid, and coated with platinum, showed a skin on the outside and a porous elongated structure inside the skin. The distance between the inner and outer skins contained fingerlike pores of various sizes. The largest pores were found near the inside skin, whereas the smallest pores were next to the outside skin. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 87.
Catalysts, Coating techniques, Dust, Energy dispersive spectroscopy, Evaporation, Fibrous membranes, Magnetron sputtering, Pore size, Scanning electron microscopy, X ray analysis, Hollow-fiber carbon membranes, Carbon fibers, carbon, coating, membrane, morphology, pore size, carbon, catalyst, hollow fiber, membrane, morphology, synthesis
Journal of Applied Polymer Science