Synthesis and characterization of phosphine stabilized mono- and bimetallic Au and Cu nanoparticles and their evaluation as catalysts in 4-Nitrophenol reduction

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Phosphine stabilized mono- and bimetallic Au and Cu nanoparticles (NPs) of various sizes were synthesized using a combined dendrimer encapsulated nanoparticle-monolayer protected cluster (DEN-MPC) method. To successfully synthesize different NP sizes, the metal:dendrimer ratio was adjusted to generate cluster sizes corresponding to successive closed-shell configurations. These mono- and bimetallic DENs were synthesized using a dendrimer micelle as a template followed by subsequent extraction from its framework using a water-soluble ligand, 1,3,5-Triaza-7-phosphaadamantane (PTA), to form monolayer protected nanoparticles (MPCs) of different sizes. The nanoparticles were characterized using UV-Vis spectroscopy, high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and inductively coupled plasma optical electron spectroscopy (ICP-OES). With an increase in metal concentration, the NPs showed an increase in size in the dendrimer, but a decrease in size after extraction into the aqueous phase. The hydrophilic Aun, Cun and Au-Cun PTA NPs were then evaluated as catalysts in the reduction of 4-nitrophenol (4-NP), using sodium borohydride (NaBH4) as a reducing agent in an aqueous medium. The reaction was monitored by UV-Vis spectroscopy by monitoring the absorbance of 4-nitrophenolate ions at λ=400 nm. All these nanoparticles had an average size ranging from 5 – 10 nm and were found to be active catalysts for the reduction of 4-NP. However, Cun NPs confirmed to have higher activity compared to Aun NPs. The Cun NPs had the best activity, but due to its susceptibility to oxidation, they were not considered as ideal catalyst in this study. The bimetallic Au-Cun NPs are more stable and display higher catalytic activity than their respective monometallic Aun NPs due to a synergistic effect. Hence, the bimetallic NPs have proven to be the best catalysts for the reduction of 4-NP. The effect of various parameters such the concentration of NaBH4 and 4-NP, metal loading, temperature, and the average particle size on the rate of the reaction were studied. The thermodynamic parameters relating to kapp were also calculated and the kinetic data showed that the reduction of 4-NP to 4-Amp using Aun, Cun and bimetallic Au-Cun–PTA NPs follows the Langmuir–Hinshelwood model which assumes the adsorption of both reactants on the NPs surface is needed for the reaction to take place.
Fosfien-gestabiliseerde mono- asook bi-metaal Au- en Cu-nanopartikels (NPs), met verskillende groottes, is gesintetiseer met behulp van 'n gekombineerde dendrimeer-ingekapsuleerde nanopartikel-monolaag beskermde bondel (DEN-MPC) metode. Om verskillende groottes te sintetiseer, is die metaal:dendrimeer verhoudings aangepas om bondel groottes te genereer wat ooreenstem met opeenvolgende geslote-dop konfigurasies. Die Aun, Cun en Au-Cun - dendrimere is gesintetiseer met behulp van 'n dendrimeer-misel as 'n templaat, gevolg deur die daaropvolgende ekstraksie uit die dedrimeerraamwerk met behulp van 'n water-oplosbare ligand, 1,3,5-Triaza-7-fosfaadamantaan (PTA), met die vorming van monolaag beskermde nanopartikels (MPC's) van verskillende groottes. Die nanopartikels is gekarakteriseer deur gebruik te maak van UV-Vis spektroskopie, hoë resolusie transmissie elektronmikroskopie (HRTEM) en induktief gekoppelde plasma optiese elektron spektroskopie (ICP-OES). Met' n toename in metaal konfigurasie, het die NP 'n toeneem in dendrimeer groottes getoon, maar' n afname in grootte na ekstraksie in die water laag. Die hidrofiliese Aun, Cun en Au-Cun PTA NP's is daarna as katalisators geëvalueer in die reduksie van 4-nitrofenol (4-NP), met behulp van natriumboorhidried (NaBH4) as reduseermiddel in 'n waterige medium. Die reaksie is gevolg met behulp van UV-Vis spektroskopie deur die absorbansie van 4-nitrofenolaat ione te volg by λ = 400 nm. Hierdie nanopartikels het gemiddelde groottes van 5-10 nm en het as aktiewe kataliste in die reduksie van 4-nitrofenol opgetree. Dit was bevestig dat die Cun NPs hoër aktiwiteit toon in vergelyking met Aun NPs. Alhoewel die Cu NP die beste aktiwiteit toon, is dit nie in hierdie studies beskou as die ideale katalisator nie vanwee hul vatbaarheid vir oksidasie. Die bi-metaal Au-Cun NPs is meer stabiel en toon hoër katalitiese aktiwiteit in vergelyking met mono-metaal Aun NPs as gevolg van hul sinergistiese effek. Die bi-metaal NPs is dus die beste katalisator vir die reduksie van 4-NP. Verskillende parameters, soos die konsentrasie van NaBH4 en 4-NP konsentrasie, metaal lading, temperatuur en die gemiddelde partikelgrootte se invloed op die tempo van die reaksie (kapp) is bestudeer. Die termodinamiese parameters met betrekking tot kapp is ook bereken en die kinetiese data het getoon dat die reduksie van 4-NP na 4-Amp met behulp van Aun, Cun en bimetaal Au-Cun - PTA NP's volg die Langmuir – Hinshelwood-model. Die Langmuir-Hinshelwood-model neem aan dat die adsorpsie van beide reaktante op die NP-oppervlak nodig is om die reaksie te laat plaasvind.
synthesize nanoparticle sizes; monolayer protected nanoparticles (MPCs)