Reflecting on the King IV director remuneration recommendations : a financial services perspective

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: Director remuneration is a contentious topic worldwide. South African companies increasingly receive immense stakeholder scrutiny due to perceivably excessive executive remuneration packages, insufficient disclosure and severe pay inequality. The King III Report was replaced by the King IV Report on 1 April 2017 in response to global and local developments. King IV provides more definite disclosure requirements on director remuneration than its predecessor and gives pertinent attention to South Africa’s wage gap. This study was hence conducted to reflect on the application of the King IV director remuneration guidelines. Focus was placed on the financial services sector given its prominence in the local economy. The researcher firstly assessed whether selected locally listed financial services organisations’ director remuneration reporting is in line with the King IV guidelines. Content analysis was used to assess the content of their remuneration reports. Attention was given to the transition from King III to King IV by comparing the selected banks’ reporting on specific remuneration considerations for the periods 2015-2016 and 2017-2018, respectively. It was found that the three-part remuneration report suggested in King IV considerably standardised the banks’ remuneration disclosure. Most of the considered banks improved their disclosure on shareholders’ non-binding advisory votes on remuneration policies over the study period. Secondly, the views of three stakeholder groups who play important roles in the determination of director remuneration, namely institutional investors, directors serving on remuneration committees (REMCOs), and chief executive officers and chief financial officers were considered. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 representatives from 10 institutional investors and 11 representatives from five listed financial services organisations to gauge their views on the King IV director remuneration guidelines. By applying thematic analysis on the transcribed data, three main themes were identified, namely the application and disclosure requirements of King IV remuneration recommendations, REMCOs acting as governance change mechanisms, and shareholder activism on director remuneration. The interviewees highlighted several positive aspects regarding King IV’s director remuneration recommendations. The institutional investors welcomed the more definite disclosure requirements, specifically the three-part remuneration report and single total executive remuneration figure. The REMCO representatives commended the refreshed non-binding advisory vote on the remuneration policy and implementation report. The executives stated that fair, responsible and transparent remuneration practices enhance alignment between management’s and shareholders’ interests. They also applauded the heightened focus on transparency and reporting quality evident in King IV. The majority of the institutional investors were of the opinion that the non-binding advisory vote on director remuneration should be revised. They also remarked that the consequences should be clearer if organisations receive 25 per cent votes against their remuneration policies and/or implementation reports. It is accordingly suggested that the Australian ‘two-strikes’ rule could be considered by regulators to ensure that action is taken in response to shareholder voting. The REMCO representatives were not convinced that the King IV’s guidelines will address wage inequality. It is hence recommended that companies should provide more development opportunities for all employees to subsequently narrow the wage gap. The executive representatives suggested that the future King V Report should offer more guidance on the incorporation of sustainability considerations when determining executive pay. They cautioned against the severe regulatory burden that South African companies are experiencing. Sound remuneration governance is an extremely important consideration that is often overlooked in South Africa. The establishment of a corporate culture which promotes fair and responsible remuneration that focusses on equal pay for work of equal value is encouraged.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Direkteursvergoeding is wereldwyd 'n omstrede onderwerp. Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappye ervaar toenemend geweldige druk vanaf belanghebbendes weens waarneembaar oormatige uitvoerende vergoedingspakkette, onvoldoende openbaarmaking en ernstige loonongelykheid. Die King III Verslag is op 1 April 2017 deur die King IV Verslag vervang, in reaksie op globale en plaaslike ontwikkelings. King IV bied meer besliste openbaarmakingsvereistes ten opsigte van direkteursvergoeding as sy voorganger, en gee toepaslike aandag aan Suid-Afrika se loongaping. Hierdie studie is dus gedoen om te besin oor die toepassing van die King IV-direkteur vergoedingsriglyne. Fokus is op die finansiele dienste-sektor geplaas, gegewe sy prominensie in die plaaslike ekonomie. Die navorser het eerstens bepaal of geselekteerde plaaslik genoteerde finansiele dienste organisasies se direkteursvergoeding-verslaggewing in ooreenstemming is met die King IV-riglyne. Inhoud-analise is gebruik om die inhoud van hul vergoedingsverslae te evalueer. Aandag is geskenk aan die oorgang vanaf King III na King IV deur die geselekteerde banke se verslaggewing oor spesifieke vergoedingsoorwegings, vir die tydperke 2015-2016 en 2017-2018 onderskeidelik, te vergelyk. Daar is bevind dat die drieledige vergoedingsverslag wat in King IV voorgestel is, die banke se vergoedingsopenbaarmaking aansienlik gestandaardiseer het. Die meeste van die oorweegde banke het hul openbaarmaking oor aandeelhouers se nie-bindende advies stemme oor vergoedingsbeleide gedurende die studietydperk verbeter. Tweedens, is die sienings van drie belanghebbende groepe wat belangrike rolle in die bepaling van direkteursvergoeding speel, naamlik institusionele beleggers, direkteure wat op vergoedingskomitees (REMCOs) dien, en hoof-uitvoerende beamptes (uitvoerende hoofde en hoof finansiele beamptes) oorweeg. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is gevoer met 12 verteenwoordigers van 10 institusionele beleggers, en 11 verteenwoordigers van vyf genoteerde finansiele dienste organisasies om hulle siening rakende die King IV direkteursvergoeding riglyne te bepaal. Deur tematiese analise op die getranskribeerde data toe te pas, is drie hooftemas geidentifiseer, naamlik die toepassings- en openbaarmakingsvereistes van King IV se vergoedings-aanbevelings, REMCOs wat as bestuursveranderingsmeganismes optree, en aandeelhouersaktivisme met betrekking tot direkteursvergoeding. Die persone waarmee onderhoude gevoer is het verskeie positiewe aspekte van King IV se direkteursvergoeding aanbevelings uitgelig. Die institusionele beleggers het die meer besliste openbaarmakingsvereistes verwelkom, spesifiek die drieledige vergoedingsverslag en enkele totale uitvoerende vergoedingsyfer. Die REMCO verteenwoordigers het die bygewerkte nie-bindende adviesstem oor die vergoedingsbeleid en implementeringsverslag geprys. Die bestuurders het gese dat regverdige, verantwoordelike en deursigtige vergoeding belyning tussen bestuur en aandeelhouers se belange verhoog. Hulle het ook die verhoogde fokus op deursigtigheid en verslagdoening, wat duidelik in King IV na vore kom, op prys gestel. Die meerderheid institusionele beleggers was van mening dat die nie-bindende adviesstem hersien moet word. Hulle het ook opgemerk dat die gevolge duideliker moet wees indien organisasies 25 persent stemme teen hul vergoedingsbeleide en/of implementeringsverslae ontvang. Daar word gevolglik voorgestel dat Australie se ‘two-strikes’ reel deur reguleerders oorweeg kan word om te verseker dat aksie geneem word in reaksie op aandeelhouerstemming. Die REMCO-verteenwoordigers was nie oortuig dat King IV se aanbevelings loonongelykheid sal aanspreek nie. Daar word dus aanbeveel dat maatskappye meer ontwikkelingsgeleenthede vir alle werknemers behoort te bied om sodoende die loongaping te vernou. Die uitvoerende verteenwoordigers het voorgestel dat die toekomstige King V Verslag meer leiding moet verskaf rakende die inlywing van volhoubaarheidsoorwegings wanneer uitvoerende betaling bepaal word. Hulle het kommer uitgespreek oor die erge regulatoriese las wat Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappye ervaar.
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Directors of corporations -- Salaries, etc. -- South Africa, Executives -- Salaries, etc. -- South Africa, Wages -- South Africa, UCTD