Das Deutungsmuster ethnische Zugehorigkeit im DaF-Kontext. Eine kritische Untersuchung am Beispiel von Jackie Thomaes Roman "Bruder"

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The thesis examines cultural patterns of interpretation of alleged ethnic identity and belonging, as portrayed in the German novel Brüder(2019) by Jackie Thomae. The novel describes the lives of two half-brothers –mainly in the mid-1990s –who grew up with different mothers in the German Democratic Republic without either knowing of each other or their Senegalese father. The novel thus depicts two brothers as protagonists, who can be described as diametrical opposites both in character and lifestyle. After contextualising the analytical category of belonging within the subject field of German as a foreign language (DaF) as well as outlining the theoretical framework of the thesis through a discussion of concepts such as othering, belonging, ethnicity and racism, as well as the theories of postcolonialism and deconstruction, the main part of the thesis is devoted to a critical analysis of the novel; this analysis is based on the premise that perceptions attached to ethnic belonging and identity are ambiguous. The investigation of the novel centres on deconstructing its narrative structures, the relational tension between so-called African and European characteristics of both protagonists, as well as identifying dimensions of ‘ethnic’ difference. Despite their apparent differences, both protagonists experience a midlife crisis, partially as a result of having navigated their lives around issues of ‘ethnic’ belonging and questions of identity which –as is concluded –the novel depicts as ambiguous social constructs. On the one hand, these social constructs are erroneously based on prevailing myths regarding ethnicity with no valid foundation in biological and scientific research. On the other hand, so-called ethnic identity and its ascribed patterns of belonging result from stereotypical and clichéd ascriptions undertaken in Western contexts. Over time the practice of othering through ascribed ethnicity resulting in racism reached a climax during imperial and colonial times but still prevails even now, not only in Germany and Europe where the novel is set but also in South Africa. For this reason, as is argued in the last chapter of the thesis, an analysis of the novel Brüder offers students in the subject field of German as a foreign language (DaF) both in Germany and in South Africa an opportunity to debate and discuss the topical issues of ‘ethnic’ belonging and identity.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die tesis ondersoek kulturele patrone van die vertolking van beweerde etniese identiteit en samehorigheid, soos uitgebeeld in die Duitse roman Brüder(2019) deur Jackie Thomae. Die roman beskryf die lewe van twee halfbroers –hoofsaaklik in die middel 1990’s –wat met verskillende ma’s in die Duitse Demokratiese Republiek grootgeword het sonder dat hulle van mekaar of hulle Senegalese pa bewus was. Die roman beeld dus twee broers as protagoniste uit wat in sowel karakter as leefstyl as diametriese teenoorgesteldes beskryf kan word. Ná kontekstualisering van die analitiese kategorie samehorigheid binne die onderwerpsveld van Duits as vreemde taal (DaF) en nadat die teoretiese raamwerk van die tesis deur ’n bespreking van konsepte soos beandering (othering), samehorigheid, etnisiteit en rassisme –sowel as die teorieë postkolonialisme en dekonstruksie –in breë trekke bespreek word, word die hoofdeel van die tesis gewy aan ’n kritiese ontleding van die roman; hierdie ontleding is gebaseer op die premis dat persepsies wat aan etniese samehorigheid en identiteit geheg word, dubbelsinnig is. Die ondersoek van die roman fokus op dekonstruksie van die roman se narratiewe strukture, die verwantskapspanning tussen die sogenaamde Europese en Afrika-eienskappe van albei protagoniste, sowel as identifisering van dimensies van die ‘etniese’ verskil. Ten spyte van hulle oënskynlike verskille, ervaar albei protagoniste ’n middeljarekrisis, deels omdat hulle hul lewe rondom kwessies soos ‘etniese’ samehorigheid en identiteit gerig het wat–soos wat tot die slotsom gekom word –die roman as dubbelsinnige sosiale konstrukte uitbeeld. Enersyds, is hierdie sosiale konstrukte gebaseer op heersende mites rakende etnisiteit wat op geen geldige biologiese of wetenskaplike navorsing gebaseer is nie; andersyds, is sogenaamde etniese identiteit en die patrone van samehorigheid wat daaraan toegeskryf word, die resultaat van stereotipiese en geykte toeskrywings wat in Westerse kontekste tot stand gekom het. Die beoefening van beandering het deur toegeskrewe etnisiteit mettertyd daartoe gelei dat rassisme tydens die imperiale en koloniale tyd ’n hoogtepunt bereik het maar vandag steeds in swang is –nie net in Duitsland en Europa waar die roman afspeel nie, maar ook in Suid-Afrika. Om hierdie rede, bied ’n ontleding van die roman Brüder vir studente in die onderwerpsveld van Duits as vreemde taal in sowel Duitsland as Suid-Afrika ’n geleentheid om aktuele kwessies soos ‘etniese’ samehorigheid en identiteit te debatteer.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Thomae, Jackie, 1972- -- Bruder -- Criticism and interpretation, Racially mixed people -- Germany, German language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers, German literature -- History and criticism, UCTD