Objective assessment application for preschool child development

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The need for early developmental screening tests is made clear throughout literature. The problem with current developmental screening tests is that they are susceptible to bias and are time- and resource-intensive. Current tests have the administrator convey instructions to a child and then note the proficiency w ith w hich t he c hild h as c ompleted t he t ask, t hus l eaving room for subjectivity and bias within the tester’s decision. The lack of trained personnel in rural areas - such as in South Africa - only adds to the sparsity of assessment tools being used. Current tablet assessment applications address these problems but confine t hemselves t o o ne o r t wo m etrics p er construct measured. Fine-motor and language tests were gathered from literature and standardised tests and implemented on a tablet application. These tests were filtered according to implementability and counsel of medical professionals in the field of early child development. The tablet application was built with modularity in mind to ease the process of adaptation for cultural and age-appropriate conversions. An accompanying assessment pipeline was constructed to automatically process the data from the tablet assessment into interpretable results.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die nood vir vroeë ontwikkelingstoetse word duidelik gemaak regdeur literatuur. Die probleem met huidige ontwikkelingstoetse is dat dit vatbaar is vir partydigheid en is tyd en hulpbron intensief. Huidige toetse laat die assessor instruksies oordra en besluit dan met watter vaardigheid the kind die opdrag uitvoer, dus is daar ruimte gelaat vir subjektiwiteit en vooroordeel binne in die besluit van die assessor. Die gebrek aan opgeleide personeel in landelike gebiede - soos in Suid Afrika - dra net by tot die ylheid van assesseringsinstrumente wat gebruik word. Huidige tablet assesseerings toepassings adresseer hierdie probleme, maar beperk hulself tot een of twee maatstawwe per konstruk wat gemeet word. Fynmotoriese en taal toetse is uit literatuur en gestandaardiseerde toetse versamel en op ’n tablettoepassing geïmplementeer. Hierdie toetse is gefiltreer volgens implementeerbaarheid en advies van mediese beroepslui op die gebied van vroeë kinderontwikkeling. Die tablet toepassing is gebou met die oog op modulariteit om die proses van aanpassing vir kulturele en ouderdomsgepaste omskakelings te vergemaklik. ’n Bygaande assesseeringspyplyn is opgestel om die data van die tablet assesseering outomaties in interpreteerbare resultate te verwerk.
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Automation, Objective assessment, Preschool children -- Psychology, Machine Learning, UCTD, Child development -- Testing