Dust to diamonds: How Botswana escaped the resource curse

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis seeks to explain why the resource curse did not take hold in Botswana despite its diamond deposits. Drawing on a case study of Botswana, the thesis uses a historical institutional approach (state centralisation, the rule of law and property rights) and found that a significant degree of state centralisation and inclusive institutions –as evidenced through enforcement of law and property rights –laid the foundation for the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) to emerge at independence as a centralised authority. It was this authority which aided Botswana in its successful management of diamonds, thereby escaping the resource curse.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word uiteengesit waarom die vloek op hulpbronne nie ten spyte van diediamant neerslae in Botswana vastrapplek gekry het nie. Op grond van ‘n gevallestudie van Botswana, gebruik die proefskrif ‘n historiese institusionele benadering (staatsentralisasie, die oppergesag van die reg en eiendomsreg). Daar is bevind dat ‘n beduidende mate van staatsentralisasie en inklusiewe instellings –soos blyk uit die handhawing van wetgewing en eiendomsreg –die grondslag vir die Botswana Demokratiese Party(BDP) gelê het om na onafhanklikheid as ‘n gesentraliseerde owerheid na vore tekom. Dit was hierdie owerheid wat Botswana bygestaan het in die suksesvolle bestuur van diamante en sodoende die hulpbronvloek vrygespring het.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Resource curse -- Botswana, Botswana -- Social life and customs, Botswana Democratic Party (BDP), Domkrag, Botswana Democratic Phathi, Phathi ya Domkraga, Botswana Democratic (Organization), Economic development -- Botswana, Natural resources -- Botswana -- Management, UCTD