Sensemaking dimensions of policy implementation: issues, concepts, and perspectives

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The presumption in conventional theories of implementation is that implementing agents understand what policymakers are asking of them. These assumptions lose sight of the complexity of human sensemaking. The thesis draws on multiple interpretative paradigms to demonstrate how the social dimensions underlying crucial strategic variables come together to influence the sensemaking of actors involved in implementing policy. A conceptual analysis of concepts and insights from implementation studies, sensemaking, knowledge management and new institutional theory is used to underscore the need to take account of implementation actors’ sensemaking. This will allow us to look beyond their actions as informed by their duties and mandated by policy prescripts. The focus is on how grassroots actors construct meaning of policy, interpret their own actions with regard to the spirit and intention of policy, and make inferences about probable behavioural changes as a result. Conceptualising the challenges of implementation in this way enables us to explore the mechanisms by which local actors construct the meaning of policy, and we see how this process gives rise to changes in practice, ostensibly facilitating both understanding and behaviour.The thesis shows that the involvement of grassroots actors in policy formulation can enhance their enthusiasm and commitment to policy intentions. It is also shown how such participation affects implementing agencies and agents’ sensemaking and sensegiving, and the degree to which they understand what is required of them. Viewing policy implementation through this lens reveals new insights into how we can articulate implementation activities; and it can also counsel us on how inferences drawn from behavioural change can complement implementer agents’ execution by means of sensemaking through action.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die aanname van konvensionele implementeringsteorie is dat implementeringsagente verstaan wat beleidmakers van hulle vra. Sulke aannames verloor sig van die ingewikkeldheid van menslike sinmaak prosesse. Die tesis gebruik veelvuldige interpretasie raamwerke om te beskryf hoe die sosiale dimensies van belangrike strategiese veranderlikes saam die sinmaak proses van die betrokkenes by die implementering van beleid te beïnvloed.'n Konseptuele analise van konsepte en insigte uit implementeringstudies, singewingsprosesse, kennisbestuur en nuwe institusionele teorie word gebruik om te beklemtoon hoe belangrik dit is om implementeringsagente se sinmaak proses in gedagte te hou. Dit stel ons in staat om dieper te kyk as om hul optrede bloot te sien as 'ngevolg van hul pligte en beleidsvoorskrifte. Daar word gefokus op hoe grondvlakagente die betekenis van beleid aktief konstrueer, hul eie optrede interpreteer met betrekking tot die gees en bedoeling van beleid, en afleidings maak oor waarskynlike gedragsveranderings as gevolg van beleid. Deur die uitdagings van implementering op hierdie manier te konseptualiseer, kan ons die meganismes ondersoek waardeur plaaslike akteurs die betekenis van beleid konstrueer, en kan ons sien hoe hierdie proses aanleiding gee tot veranderinge in die praktyk, wat oënskynlik begrip en gedrag vergemaklik.Die tesis dui aan hoe die betrokkenheid van akteurs by beleidsformulering op voetsoolvlak hulle entoesiasme en toewyding tot beleidsvoornemens kan verhoog. Verder word beskryf hoe sodanige deelname die implementeringsagente se singewing-en sinmaak-prosesse beïnvloed, asook die mate waartoe hulle verstaan wat van hulle vereis word. Deur beleidsimplementering deur hierdie lens te sien, word nuwe insigte openbaar oor hoe ons implementeringsaktiwiteite kan verwoord; en verkry ons ook insig oor hoe implementeringagente se afleidings uit gedragsverandering aangevul kan word deur aksie-gedrewe sinmaakprosesse.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Sensemaking theory, Communities of practice, Information visualization, Management information systems, Information technology, Communities of practice, Information knowledge management, UCTD