A case study of mental mathematics lessons : analysing early grade teachers’ perceptions of their practice

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Research has shown that South African primary school students are performing below international and national grade level expectations for mathematics. It can be argued that a root cause is students’ reliance on inefficient counting-based versus reasoning-based strategies for calculating. Personal experience with supporting teachers in a wide range of classrooms resonates with the literature, which reveals that the reliance on counting-based strategies hinders the development of more efficient, number range appropriate strategies in the later years. Teaching approaches that favour learning through the memorisation of facts, rules and procedures in the early grades encourage the use of learnt procedures over the development of reasoning-based strategies. Alternatively, teaching for understanding and reasoning negates the need for memorisation and supports the development of reasoning-based calculating strategies. In ‘Adding it up: Helping children learn mathematics’, Kilpatrick, Swafford and Findell (2002) refer to mathematical proficiency to convey what they think it means to be successful in mathematics. Mathematical proficiency describes success in mathematics as the ability not only to calculate accurately, but also to understand, apply, reason and engage with mathematics. Mathematical proficiency consists of an interrelated set of actions that are equally important in contributing to success in mathematics. These actions, or strands of mathematical proficiency, are comprised of a combination of calculating, understanding, applying, reasoning and engaging. Mental mathematics forms an integral part of the development of number sense in the early years and can mean so much more than the recall of facts. If taught for understanding and reasoning, mental mathematics can support the development of mathematical proficiency, and result in the development of reasoning-based calculating strategies. This is a qualitative case study that analyses how early grade teachers perceive their mental mathematics teaching practice. Using Activity Theory as the analytical framework, the study considers the interrelated dimensions that contribute to the activity of teaching. Two Grade 3 teachers participated in the study. Data were collected through introductory interviews (semi-structured), lesson observation video recordings, self-reflection checklists and reflective interviews (unstructured). There was a workshop session where mathematical proficiency and the resultant implications for teaching mental mathematics were discussed. The teachers then reflected on their own practice via video recordings using the lens of mathematical proficiency. The reflections were for both of their lesson observations: one that took place before the workshop session (pre-workshop lesson) and one that took place after (post-workshop lesson). The analysis explored how the teachers perceived their own teaching through self-reflection. Using Activity Theory as the analytical framework allowed for the analysis of relationships within the activity of teaching that described the teachers’ perceptions of practice. The analysis revealed that both teachers have an awareness of where and how they should adapt their practice, and their perceptions of practice revealed similar themes, namely: 1. Object (lesson objective) Move beyond the constraints of ‘knowing’ and ‘calculating’ during mental mathematics lessons: to create opportunities to develop understanding, application and reasoning. 2. Tools Move beyond the ‘knowing’ level of mental mathematics task items: to elicit application and reasoning through the use of more cognitively demanding tasks that are purposefully utilised to allow noticing of patterns relationships. 3. Division of labour Move beyond ‘answer only’ questioning in mental mathematics lessons: to facilitate student discussion and reflection through more deliberate planning. The findings of this study highlighted tensions between existing practice and desired practice as reflected on through the lens of mathematical proficiency. These tensions, if further explored and supported with ongoing reflection, may lead to professional learning opportunities that enable transformative teacher practice.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Volgens navorsing voldoen Suid-Afrikaanse laerskoolleerders nie aan internasionale en nasionale graadvlakverwagtinge in wiskunde nie. Een oorsaak hiervoor is moontlik leerders se afhanklikheid van ondoeltreffende telgebaseerde in plaas van denkgebaseerde berekeningstrategieë. Persoonlike ervaring van onderwysersteun in ’n wye verskeidenheid klaskamers bevestig wat die literatuur sê, naamlik dat die afhanklikheid van telgebaseerde strategieë die latere ontwikkeling van doeltreffender, getalreeksgepaste strategieë verhinder. Onderrigbenaderings in die vroeër grade wat op leer deur die memorisering van feite, reëls en prosedures afgestem is, moedig die gebruik van aangeleerde prosedures bo die ontwikkeling van denkgebaseerde strategieë aan. Daarteenoor skakel onderrig met die oog op begrip en redenering die behoefte aan memorisering uit en ondersteun die ontwikkeling van denkgebaseerde berekeningstrategieë. In ‘Adding it up: Helping children learn mathematics’ verwys Kilpatrick, Swafford en Findell (2002) na ‘wiskundige vaardigheid’ om te verwoord wat dit volgens húlle beteken om suksesvol in wiskunde te wees. Die konsep van wiskundige vaardigheid doen aan die hand dat sukses in wiskunde nie net daaroor gaan om akkuraat te kan bereken nie, maar ook om wiskunde te verstaan, te kan toepas, te bestudeer en daaroor te kan redeneer. Wiskundige vaardigheid bestaan uit ’n onderling verwante stel aksies wat elk ewe veel tot sukses in wiskunde bydra. Hierdie aksies, of onderdele, van wiskundige vaardigheid behels ’n kombinasie van berekening, begrip, toepassing, redenering en studie. Kopwiskunde (‘mental mathematics’) maak ’n kerndeel uit van die ontwikkeling van getalbegrip in die vroeë jare, en kan uit veel meer as die blote oproep van feite bestaan. Indien kopwiskunde met die oog op begrip en redenering onderrig word, kan dit die ontwikkeling van wiskundige vaardigheid ondersteun en tot denkgebaseerde berekeningstrategieë lei. Hierdie navorsing is ’n kwalitatiewe gevallestudie wat vroeëgraadonderwysers se opvattings oor hulle eie kopwiskundeonderrigpraktyk ontleed. Met aktiwiteitsteorie as die analitiese raamwerk ondersoek die studie die onderling verwante aspekte wat tot die onderrigaktiwiteit bydra. Twee graad 3-onderwysers het aan die studie deelgeneem. Data is deur (semigestruktureerde) inleidende onderhoude, selfbesinning oor leswaarnemings (kontrolelys) en (ongestruktureerde) nadenkende onderhoude ingesamel. ’n Werksessie is gehou waar wiskundige vaardigheid en die gevolglike implikasies vir die onderrig van kopwiskunde bespreek is. Daarna het die onderwysers deur die lens van wiskundige vaardigheid oor video-opnames van twee van hulle eie lesse besin: een wat voor die werksessie plaasgevind het, en die ander ná die tyd. Deur hierdie selfbesinning kon die onderwysers se opvattings oor hulle eie onderrig verken word. Met aktiwiteitsteorie as die analitiese raamwerk is ’n ontleding onderneem van die verhoudings binne die onderrigaktiwiteit wat die onderwysers se praktykopvattings rig. Die ontleding toon dat albei onderwysers weet waar en hoe hulle hulle praktyk behoort aan te pas. Hulle praktykopvattings bring ook soortgelyke temas aan die lig, naamlik: 1. Doelstelling Gaan verder as ‘ken’ en ‘bereken’ gedurende kopwiskundelesse. Skep geleenthede om werklik te verstaan, toe te pas en te redeneer. 2. Gereedskap Gaan verder as die ‘ken’-vlak van kopwiskundetake. Gebruik kognitief uitdagender take om toepassing en redenering aan te moedig. 3. Arbeidsverdeling Gaan verder as vrae wat slegs ’n antwoord vereis in kopwiskundelesse. Beplan doelbewus om leerdergesprekke en -besinning in die hand te werk. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie beklemtoon die spanning tussen bestaande en gewenste onderrigpraktyk deur die lens van wiskundige vaardigheid. Voortdurende besinning oor, en verdere verkenning van, hierdie spanning kan tot professionele leergeleenthede lei wat transformerende onderrigpraktyk moontlik maak.
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Primary) -- South Africa, Mental arithmetic -- Study and teaching (Primary) -- South Africa, Active learning -- South Africa, Mathematics teachers -- Attitudes -- South Africa, Primary school teachers -- Attitudes -- South Africa, UCTD