Conceptual design of dry bulk terminals

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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The global economy continues to be fuelled by the burning of coal in power stations and the erection of infrastructure using steelmade from iron ore. New dry bulk terminal projects,or the upgrade and refurbishment of existing dry bulk terminals,may thusneed to be consideredin order to meet increased demand of these commodities. Dry bulk terminalsare primarily used for the movement of dry bulk commoditieswhich may be categorized into two categories, viz:●major bulks which include iron ore, coal, grains, bauxite/aluminaand rock phosphates; and●minor bulks which include sugars, cements and fertilizers;A dry bulk terminal project may span over several yearsand comprise of multiple stages, each requiring a considerable amount of capital investmentand as such,project developers may be required to assess several options prior to proceeding with detailed design. The present study includes the use of some current design methodsfor the development of a new conceptual design tool which is able to rapidly generate a range of key output parameters that may be considered during project feasibilitystages.The new conceptual design tool is generic enough to cater for a range of throughputs, shiploader configurations, stockyard machinery configurations and landside equipment configurations and provides a range of outputs for each major infrastructure element of a dry bulk terminal. The new conceptual design tool provides a range of options(termed as Concept Options)and considers a number of inputs including varied vessel sizes and varied annual throughputcapacities. Key outputoptions are then produced in terms of the number of berths, the quantities and capacities of terminal handling equipment, the configuration of the stockyard area and size of area required for commodity storage. Given the generic and flexible nature of the new conceptual design tool, it has been developedby the Authorin Microsoft Exceland has been developed to cater for the provision of a range of parameters that may be considered during the conceptual design of single-product export and import dry bulk terminals. The new conceptual design toolis modular in form, with each of its three modules accounting for one major element of a dry bulk terminal, viz: ●Module 1 –Seaside handling and configuration;●Module 2 -Landside handling and configuration; and●Module 3 –Stockyard handling and configurationSeveral test cases were undertakenwith a total of 7 terminals selected for comparative analysis (6 operational and one conceptual). It is not the aim of the new conceptual design tool to provide a single or deterministic output but to provide a range of output optionsthat project developer(s) may consider, before selecting their desired output. Given the specificities of a particular project, it was found that in general, the new conceptual design tool generated, on average, circa 240 Concept Options and Sub-Concept Options for each major element of a terminal. These Concept Options included the operational dry bulk terminal layouts, as well as provided additional options for consideration. In addition, the Concept Options generated by the new conceptual design tool may be considered by project developer(s) and user(s) as a range of (feasible) options for further evaluation during subsequent (detailed) design phases.The new conceptual design tool is capable of generating a large number of Concept Options for a variety of inputs and is only restricted by the input limitations defined by the user. However, the new conceptual design tool may be expanded through future studies in respect of the incorporation of its ability to accommodate calculations formore than one commodity at a time, the incorporation of stockyard lanes with differential lengths and/or widthsor the incorporation of the initial capex requirements for each infrastructure element in order to enable a cost-driven conceptual design optimisation process.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wêreldekonomie word steeds aangedryfdeur die verbranding van steenkool in kragstasies en die oprigting van infrastruktuur met behulp van staal wat van ysterertsgemaak word. Nuwe projekte vandroë grootmaateindpunte of die opgradering en opknapping van bestaande droë grootmaateindpunte moet dus oorweeg kan word om aan die verhoogde vraag na hierdie goederete voldoen. Droë grootmaateindpunte word hoofsaaklik gebruik vir die vervoer van droë grootmaatgoederewat in twee kategorieë ingedeelkan word, naamlik:●Meerdere grootmaatgoedere wat ystererts, steenkool, graan, bauxiet / alumina en rotsfosfate insluit;en●Mindere grootmaatgoederesoossuiker, sement en kunsmis.'nProjek van ʼn droë grootmaateindpunt kan oor 'n aantal jare strek en bestaan uit veelvoudigefases, wat elk aansienlike kapitaalbeleggingbenodig. As sodanig,behoortprojekontwikkelaars verskeie opsies te beoordeel voordat hulle met die daaropvolgende detailontwerpfase voortgaan. Die huidige studie sluit die gebruik van die huidige ontwerpmetodes vir die grootte van droë grootmaateindpunte in,sowel asdie ontwikkelingvan 'n konseptuele ontwerpinstrument wat konseptuele veranderlikesvir oorweging tydens die daaropvolgende projekfasesbepaal. Die konseptuele ontwerpinstrument bied 'n reeks opsies (wat konsepopsies genoem word) en oorweeg 'n aantal insette, waaronder verskillende vaartuiggroottes en wisselendejaarlikse deurvloeie. Belangrike uitvoeropsies word dan opgestelin terme van die aantal vasmeerplekke, die aantalen kapasiteit van die eindpunt sehanteringstoerustingendie uitlegen die oppervlaktevan die stoorwerf.Gegewe die generiese en buigsame aard van die konseptuele ontwerpinstrumentis dit in Microsoft Excelontwikkel, en word daar in die konseptuele ontwerp van droëgrootmaateindpunte vir die uitvoer en invoer van enkelproduktevoorsien. Die konseptuele ontwerpinstrument is modulêr van aard, metelk van die drie modules wat'n gedeelte van die droë grootmaateindpunt dek, naamlik: ●Module 1 –Seekant se hantering en uitleg;●Module 2 –Landkant se hantering en uitleg; en●Module 3 –Stoorwerf se hantering en uitleg.Verskeie toetsgevalle is uitgewerk, met altesaam 7 eindpunte(6 operasionele en ʼn konseptueleeen)wat vir ʼn vergelykende ontledinggekies is. Die doel van die konseptuele ontwerphulpmiddel is nie om 'n enkele of deterministiese uitset te lewer nie, maar om 'n reeks uitvoeropsies te bied. Die projekontwikkelaar(s) kan dan, gegewe die eienskappe van 'n spesifieke projek, die opsies oorweeg. In die algemeenis bevind dat die konsep-opsies wat bepaalis, die operasionele uitlegte vir bestaande droë grootmaateindpunteinsluit, asook addisionele opsies vir oorweging. Verder kan die konsep-opsies wat deur die konseptuele ontwerpinstrument bepaalword, ook deur projekontwikkelaar(s) en modelgebruiker(s) as 'n reeks (uitvoerbare) opsies vir verdere evaluering tydens die daaropvolgende detailontwerp of opgraderingsfasesoorweegword.Die konseptuele ontwerphulpmiddel kan verskeie konsep-opsies vir verskillende insette leweren word slegs deur die invoer beperk wat deur die modelgebruiker gedefinieer word. Die konseptuele ontwerpinstrument kan egter uitgebrei word vir toekomstige studies om verskeie goedere tegelyk te kan hanteer, die insluitingvan stoorwerfbanemet verskillende lengtes en/of breedtes en die insluitingvan aanvanklike vereistes van kapitaaluitgawes virelke infrastruktuur-element. Hierdeur word voorsiening vir 'n kostegedrewe optimaliseringvan die konseptuele ontwerpgemaak
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Coal-handling, Ore handling, Coal-fired power stations, Iron ore -- Terminals, UCTD