Contribution of John S. Mbiti to the study of African religions and African theology and philosophy

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Pieter de Waal Neethling Trust
This paper discusses the contribution of Professor John S Mbiti to African theology and African Philosophy. It does this by highlighting several scholars in various contexts who have attempted to highlight his contribution to these fields of study. The paper highlights some important concepts and issues that Mbiti has dealt with in his theological and philosophical works. The overall argument of these authors is that Mbiti has argued that in their cultures and religions, Africans do know and experience God.
CITATION: Mbaya, H. H. & Cezula, N. S. 2019. Contribution of John S. Mbiti to the study of African religions and African theology and philosophy. Stellenbosch Theological Journal, 5(3):421-442, doi:10.17570/stj.2019.v5n3.a20.
The original publication is available at
Philosophy, African, Mbiti, John S., Africa -- Religion
Mbaya, H. H. & Cezula, N. S. 2019. Contribution of John S. Mbiti to the study of African religions and African theology and philosophy. Stellenbosch Theological Journal, 5(3):421-442, doi:10.17570/stj.2019.v5n3.a20