Physical science teachers’ experiences of the junior secondary revised curriculum for grades 8 and 9, Oshikoto Region, Nambia

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is interpretive, and it employs a hermeneutic method of inquiry that draws on the work of Gadamer’s theory of understanding and interpretation. It chronicles Physical Science teachers’ experiences on the implementation of the Revised Physical Science curriculum for grades eight and nine in both public and private schools in Namibia for the academic years 2017 and 2018. The study is guided by an interpretive theory, driven uniquely by a hermeneutic concept that advocates for the establishment of the understanding by interpreting written or interview texts, or otherwise from various literature, in order to obtain the meaning of the whole. I employed a conceptual analysis a research method. It is particularly important to explain concepts to obtain a better understanding, as this could result in an acceptable analysis and a meaningful conclusion on the basis of the data. Conceptual analysis is about showing the meanings of terms and is often linked to justification. The study employed document analysis and semi-structured interviews to collect data. The old and new Physical Science curriculum for the Junior Secondary phase (grades eight and nine), the National Subject Policy guidelines for Physical Science grades eight to twelve, and documents and policies relating to Physical Science Junior Secondary phase grades eight and nine were also analysed in order to understand and develop meanings of how the revised curriculum of Physical Science in Namibia was implemented. The findings of this study reveal that teachers are positive about the new curriculum, and they appreciate advanced information. Also, if implemented thoroughly, most of the learners should be well equipped at the end of Junior Secondary level. The study further discloses factors that hampered curriculum implementation, such as a shortage of textbooks, a lack of extensive teacher training or capacity building, a lack of materials and equipment to conduct practicals, overcrowded classes, and inadequate time allocated to cover all specific objectives in the Physical Science lessons for grades eight and nine. Based on the findings this study recommends that, the Ministry of Education consider offering extensive teacher training, order the equipment and materials needed for practical investigations, and distribute them to schools through the Chief Education Officers of the regions. Learners can only acquire scientific literacy by understanding scientific processes, their nature, and by acquiring the ability to apply such scientific thinking and skills through experimental work, which is a prerequisite of education today.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is interpretatief en gebruik 'n hermeneutiese metode van ondersoek wat gebruik maak van Gadamer se teorie van begrip en interpretasie. Dit vervat die ervarings van Natuur- en Skeikunde-onderwysers oor die Hersiene Natuur- en Skeikunde-kurrikulum vir Grade Agt en Nege in beide openbare en privaatskole in Namibië vir die akademiese jare 2017 en 2018. Die studie word gelei deur 'n interpretatiewe teorie wat op 'n unieke manier gedryf word deur 'n hermeneutiese konsep wat pleit vir die vestiging van die begrip deur geskrewe of onderhoudstekste, of andersins uit verskillende literatuur, te interpreteer ten einde die betekenis van die geheel te verkry. Ek het 'n konseptuele analise as navorsingsmetode gebruik. Dit is veral belangrik om konsepte te verduidelik om 'n beter begrip te kry, want dit kan lei tot 'n aanvaarbare analise en 'n betekenisvolle gevolgtrekking aan die hand van die gegewens. Konseptuele analise gaan oor die betekenis van terme en word dikwels gekoppel aan regverdiging. Die studie het gebruik gemaak van dokumentanalise en semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude om data te versamel. Die ou en nuwe kurrikulum vir Natuur- en Skeikunde vir die Junior Sekondêre fase (Graad Agt en nNge), die Nasionale Vakbeleidsriglyne vir Natuur- en Skeikunde Grade Agt tot Twaalf, en dokumente en beleid rakende Natuur- en Skeikunde Junior Sekondêre fase Grade Agt en Nege, is ook ontleed, om die betekenis van die hersiene kurrikulum vir Natuur- en Skeikunde in Namibië te verstaan en te ontwikkel. Die bevindings van hierdie studie toon dat onderwysers positief is oor die nuwe kurrikulum, hulle voel dat dit uitstekend is en dat dit baie gevorderde inligting bevat. As dit deeglik geïmplementeer word, moet die meeste van die leerders goed toegerus en gepoleer wees aan die einde van die Junior Sekondêre vlak. Die studie openbaar verder faktore wat die implementering van die kurrikulum belemmer het, soos 'n tekort aan handboeke, 'n gebrek aan uitgebreide onderwysersopleiding of kapasiteitsbou, 'n gebrek aan materiaal en toerusting om praktika uit te voer, oorvol klasse, en onvoldoende tyd wat toegewys is om alle spesifieke doelstellings in die Natuur- en Skeikunde-lesse vir Graad Agt en Nege. Daar word aanbeveel die Ministerie van Onderwys moet uitgebreide onderwysersopleiding aanbied, die toerusting en materiaal bestel wat nodig is vir praktiese ondersoeke en dit aan skole versprei deur die hoofonderwysbeamptes van die streke. Leerders kan slegs wetenskaplike geletterdheid verwerf deur wetenskaplike prosesse, die aard daarvan te verstaan, en deur die vermoë te verwerf om sulke wetenskaplike denke en vaardighede toe te pas deur eksperimentele werk, wat vandag 'n voorvereiste is vir die opvoeding.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Physical sciences -- Information storage and retrieval systems, Curriculum planning -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Nambia -- Oshikoto, Science -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Namibia -- Oshikoto, Science teachers -- Experience -- Namibia -- Oshikoto, Education -- Philosophy, Education -- Curricula -- Namibia -- Oshikoto