Investigating the perceptions of speech-language therapists working in the public health and education sectors, about the services they provide to children with cerebral palsy in the greater Johannesburg region, from birth to six years

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Background: Prior to entering the basic education system at six years of age, speech and language assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of children with cerebral palsy (CP), take place in hospitals and primary healthcare settings in the South African public sector. This is informed by governmental guidelines. Paediatric patients are directed through a referral pathway, ideally from a hospital setting to a primary healthcare facility for rehabilitation and issuing of appropriate assistive devices. Once children are of school-going age, they are referred to the education sector for schooling. Nearly twenty years since the establishment of the National Rehabilitation Policy, strides have been made to improve accessibility to rehabilitation services as well as the quality of life of children with CP in the health and education sectors. Shortfalls however still exist in implementing this policy. It is therefore important to explore the referral pathway that bridges these two sectors, to identify possible gaps that may occur and affect the continuity of therapy for children with CP. Aims and Objective: The main objective of this study was to investigate the perceptions of Speech-Language Therapists (SLTs) working in the Gauteng Department of Health (GDH) and Gauteng Department of Education (GDE), in Johannesburg region A, about the services they provide to children with cerebral palsy, from birth to six years of age. Participants and Methodology: A qualitative research design was followed, specifically the approach of phenomenology. A semi-structured interview protocol was employed, which consisted of open-ended questions and probes. This protocol was used to guide eight focus groups and one individual interview. A total of 31 SLTs working in public hospitals, clinics and Learners with Special Educational Needs (LSEN) schools participated. Interviews were audio-recorded for transcription and subsequent thematic analysis. Findings: The most prominent theme was that there was a perceived chasm between the GDH and the GDE in the referral process of young children with CP. Participants working in the health sector and participants in the education sector expressed frustration that highlighted the need to address the perceived lack of communication between these two sectors in the region. A recurring perception of the participants was that the GDE failed to address the specific needs of the child during school placement. Failure to place children into schools where the existing resources and infrastructure are aligned with the specific needs of the child, placed enormous strain on the rehabilitation systems, with outcomes such as increased caseloads in the health sector; strains on the curriculum; ineffective deployment of resources; and a breakdown in trust between the community and the education system. Conclusion: The results suggest that a cohesive plan should be formulated and executed in order to bridge the perceived chasm between the GDH and the GDE in the referral process of children with CP from the hospital or clinic setting, into the school environment. This may facilitate communication, collaboration, education, as well as resource sharing between the departments.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Geen opsomming beskikbaar.Agtergrond: Voordat kinders op die ouderdom van ses jaar in die basiese onderwysstelsel opgeneem word, vind spraak- en taalassessering, diagnosering en behandeling van kinders met serebrale gestremdheid in hospitale en primêre gesondheidsorginstansies in die Suid-Afrikaanse openbare sektor plaas. Dit word deur regeringsriglyne bepaal. Pediatriese pasiënte word deur ’n verwysingsroete begelei, ideaalgesproke vanaf ’n hospitaalomgewing tot ’n primêre gesondheidsorgfasiliteit vir rehabilitasie en die uitreik van toepaslike hulptoestelle. Wanneer kinders skoolgaande ouderdom bereik, word hulle vir onderrig na die onderwyssektor verwys. Amper twintig jaar na die ontstaan van die Nasionale Rehabilitasiebeleid is daar al vordering in die gesondheids- en onderwyssektore gemaak om die toeganklikheid tot rehabilitasiedienste, asook die lewenskwaliteit van serebraalgestremde kinders, te verbeter. Daar is egter steeds tekortkominge in die implementering van hierdie beleid. Dit is dus belangrik om die verwysingsroete wat hierdie twee sektore verbind, te verken met die doel om moontlike gapings wat ’n impak op die kontinuïteit van terapie vir serebraalgestremde kinders kan hê, te identifiseer. Doelwitte en Oogmerk: Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om spraak-taalterapeute wat vir die Gautengse Departement van Gesondheid (GDG) en die Gautengse Departement van Onderwys (GDO) in Streek A van Johannesburg werk se persepsies aangaande die diens wat hulle aan serebraalgestremde kinders van geboorte tot sesjarige ouderdom lewer, te ondersoek. Deelnemers en Metodologie: ’n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp, spesifiek die fenomenologie-benadering, is gevolg. ’n Semigestruktureerde onderhoudprotokol wat uit oop en indringende vrae saamgestel is, is aangewend. Hierdie protokol is as riglyn vir die ag fokusgroepe en een individuele onderhoud gebruik. ’n Totaal van 31 spraak-taalterapeute wat in hospitale, klinieke en skole vir leerders met spesiale opvoedkundige behoeftes (LSOB-skole) werk, het deelgeneem. Klankopnames is van onderhoude gemaak vir transkribering en die daaropvolgende ontleding van temas. Bevindinge: Die prominentste tema was die persepsie dat daar ’n gaping tussen die GDG en die GDO bestaan ten opsigte van die verwysingsproses van jong serebraalgestremde kinders. Die gevolglike frustrasie van deelnemers wat in die gesondheidsektor en die onderwyssektor werk beklemtoon die noodsaaklikheid daarvan om hierdie persepsie van gebrekkige kommunikasie tussen die twee sektore in die streek, aan te spreek. ’n Herhalende persepsie onder deelnemers was dat die GDO daarin gefaal het om die spesifieke behoeftes van kinders tydens skoolplasings aan te spreek. Wanneer daarin misluk word om kinders in ooreenstemming met hul spesifieke behoeftes in skole met bestaande hulpbronne en infrastruktuur te plaas, plaas dit geweldige stremming op die rehabilitasiestelsels en lei dit tot ’n verhoogde gevalle-lading in die gesondheidsektor; stremming op die kurrikulum; ondoeltreffende aanwending van hulpbronne; en die afbreek van vertroue tussen die gemeenskap en die onderwysstelsel. Gevolgtrekking: Die resultate suggereer dat ’n samehangende plan geformuleer en uitgevoer moet word ten einde die waargenome gaping tussen die GDG en die GDO ten opsigte van die verwysingsproses van serebraalgestremde kinders vanaf die hospitaal- of kliniekopset tot in die skoolomgewing, te oorbrug. Dit kan kommunikasie, samewerking, onderrig, asook die deel van hulpbronne tussen departemente fasiliteer.
Thesis (MSL&HT)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Cerebral palsy -- Rehabilitation services -- Johannesburg (South Africa), Developmentally disabled children -- Services for -- Johannesburg (South Africa), Speech therapists -- Attitudes -- Johannesburg (South Africa), Public health industry, Education industry, Preschool children, UCTD