Compassion fatigue and self-care : voices of newly qualified social workers

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Existing literature on compassion fatigue and self-care have increased. However, newly qualified social workers receive less attention and are often not the focus of study, with little to no research studies conducted on the plight of social workers in South Africa. They continue to find themselves in stressful and demanding situations which inhibit their ability to conduct their work effectively. This is especially prevalent among newly qualified social workers, who face challenges pertaining to transitioning from student to professional, and this is the reason they are at increased risk of experiencing compassion fatigue compared to more seasoned social workers. In this context, compassion fatigue can be regarded as an ethical concern to be addressed, as it not only negatively affects newly qualified social workers in their personal lives, but also their work performance and service rendering. Despite self-care being recognised as a promising measure to prevent compassion fatigue, newly qualified social workers are not adequately equipped to implement it and thus cannot curb compassion fatigue themselves. Against this backdrop, this research study was aimed at understanding of the compassion fatigue and self-care practices used by newly qualified social workers in the South African context. A qualitative research approach was utilised in order to capture the rich accounts of newly qualified social workers with regard to their experiences with compassion fatigue and self-care. Descriptive and exploratory research designs were used to substantiate the capturing of various narratives from the participants. To this end, a snowball sampling method was utilised for the purpose of this study. Eighteen participants were interviewed using semi-structured interview schedules. The data gathered was analysed using a thematic content analysis approach. This research document contained three literature chapters, with the first attempting to serve as a framework regarding the conceptualisation of work contexts and working conditions experienced by newly qualified social workers. The second analysed the compassion fatigue experienced by newly qualified social workers, in particular articulating its conceptualisation, symptoms, and relationship with compassion satisfaction, job satisfaction, as well as burnout. Finally, the third identified self-care practices by those prone to compassion fatigue. Building on the background established in the literature chapters, chapter five of this research study contained the empirical study. In this chapter, results from data collected from participants and literature were presented in an integrated manner. Based on these results, chapter six contained the conclusions and recommendations of the research study. The main conclusions drawn from the findings established that newly qualified social workers work under extremely harsh conditions which are worsened by challenges related to the transitioning from student to professional social worker. This, along with a lack of organisational support, has increasingly led to the development and experience of compassion fatigue among newly qualified social workers, which is detrimental to them as individuals and professionals. The symptoms of compassion fatigue are far-reaching and impede all aspects of the professional’s wellbeing. Owing to the negative impact of compassion fatigue on the quality of service rendering, it should be regarded and addressed as a vital, ethically informed concern in South Africa. In light of the prior mentioned conclusions, it is recommended that self-care not be regarded as the sole responsibility of newly qualified social workers, but rather holistically promoted by training institutions, the South African Council of Social Service Professions, the National Department of Social Development, organisations employing newly qualified social workers, and the managers and supervisors of the social workers concerned.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bestaande literatuur oor deernisuitputting en selfsorg het toegeneem. Nietemin kry gekwalifiseerde maatskaplike werkers minder aandag in die sin dat hulle selde die fokus van navorsingsonderwerpe is, met min of geen studies in Suid Afrika wat handel oor maatskaplike werkers. Hulle is wel deurlopend in stresvolle en uitdagende situasies wat hul vermoë om effektief te werk of presteer beperk. Hierdie is veral heersend onder nuutgekwalifiseerde maatskaplike werkers, wat uitdagings ervaar ten opsigte van die oorskakeling vanaf student tot professionele hoedanigheid. Hierdie verandering is die rede waarom hulle ʼn verhoogde risiko het om deernisuitputting te ervaar in vergelyking met ervare maatskaplike werkers. In hierdie konteks kan deernisuitputting gesien word as ʼn etiese aangeleentheid wat aangespreek moet word omrede dit nie net nuutgekwalifiseerde maatskaplike werkers in hul persoonlike lewens affekteer nie, maar ook hul werksprestasie en dienslewering. Ten spyte daarvan dat selfsorg erken word as ʼn belowende maatreël om deernisuitputting te voorkom, is nuutgekwalifiseerde maatskaplike werkers nie voldoende toegerus om dit te implementeer nie, en hul kan dus nie self deernisuitputting teenwerk nie. Gevolglik het hierdie studie beoog om deernis-uitputting en selfsorgpraktyke wat nuutgekwalifiseerde maatskaplike werkers in die Suid Afrikaanse konteks gebruik te verstaan. ʼn Kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering is gebruik om die ryk weergawes van nuutgekwalifiseerde maatskaplike werkers se ervaring van deernisuitputting en selfsorg vas te vang. Beskrywende- en verkennende navorsingsontwerpe is gebruik om die narratiewe van deelnemers vas te vang en te ondersteun. Tot hierdie doel is ʼn sneeubal steekproefmetode gebruik vir hierdie studie. Onderhoude is met agtien deelnemers gevoer deur middel van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoudskedules. Die ingewinde data is geanaliseer deur ʼn tematiese inhoudsanalisebenadering te gebruik. Die navorsingsdokument het drie literatuurstudiehoofstukke bevat. Die eerste literatuurhoofstuk het as ʼn raamwerk vir die konseptualisering van werkskontekste en werksomstandighede van nuutgekwalifiseerde maatskaplike werkers gedien. Die tweede literatuurstudiehoofstuk het gepoog om die deernisuitputting wat nuutgekwalifiseerde maatskaplike werkers ervaar te analiseer, met spesifieke verwoording van konseptualisering, simptome, deernisvervulling, werksbevrediging, asook uitbranding. Laastens het die derde literatuurhoofstuk gemik om selfsorg praktyke van diegene wat geneig is tot deernisuitputting uit te wys. Volgens die teoretiese raamwerk wat in die literatuurhoofstukke uiteengesit is, het hoofstuk vyf van hierdie navorsingstudie die empiriese navorsing bevat. Die data wat ingewin is van die deelnemers en literatuur is op ʼn geïntegreerde wyse voorgelê. Volgens hierdie voorlegging het hoofstuk ses die gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings van die navorsingstudie bevat. Die hoof gevolgtrekkings vanuit die bevindinge wys dat nuutgekwalifiseerde maatskaplike werkers onder ongenaakbare omstandighede werk, wat vererger word deur uitdagings wat verband hou met die oorskakeling vanaf student na professionele maatskaplike werker. Hierdie, tesame met ʼn tekort aan organisatoriese ondersteuning, het toenemend gelei na die ontwikkeling en ervaring van deernisuitputting onder nuutgekwalifiseerde maatskaplike werkers, wat nadelig is vir hulle as individue en professionele persone. Die simptome van deernisuitputting is verreikend, en belemmer alle aspekte van die professionele persoon se welstand. Met inagneming van die negatiewe impak van deernisuitputting op die kwaliteit van dienslewering, moet dit gesien en aangespreek word as ʼn essensiële en eties-ingeligte belang in Suid Afrika. Weens die voorgenoemde gevolgtrekkings word dit aanbeveel dat selfsorg nie alleen gesien moet word as die uitsluitlike verantwoordelikheid van nuutgekwalifiseerde maatskaplike werkers nie. Dit moet holisties bevorder word deur opleidingsinstansies, die Suid Afrikaanse Raad vir Maatskaplike Diensprofessies, die Nasionale Departement van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling, organisasies wat nuutgekwalifiseerde maatskaplike werkers in diens neem, en die bestuurders en supervisors van die betrokke maatskaplike werkers.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.
Burnout (Psychology), Social workers -- Fatigue, Social service -- Psychological aspects, South African Council of Social Service Professions, Social workers -- Job stress, National Department of Social Development, UCTD